Home Forums Vintage EHX Liner Power Booster 2

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    New to the forum, looking for sone advice on a vintage LPB2. I recently acquired one on Reverb and have been using it as a overdrive for my Blackstar Artist 30. I liked the tone so much I took my other OD pedals right out of my chain. I thought maybe I could buy another LPB2 and use that pedal for my booster so I found another. What the plan was, to run one all the time for my rhythm tone and click in on the second pedal for a lead tone and to boost my gain to get a lot of feedback harmonics. The problem is that when I add the second LPB2 I get a really gritty distortion with clipping and a really muddy garbled sound. Is this a inherent outcome from running two boosters like that, or could it be a bad pedal/power supply issue. Just wondering if anyone shed any light on this for me.

    Thanks, Alex

    The EH Man

    That’s pretty much what happens. You’re sending a boosted signal into another boosted and overloading it. What you need is a box with either 2 volume controls you can switch between or set them up so instead of one being on all the time, you can switch between them.


    That’s interesting, I was also wondering if it also had something to do with the frequency of the pedals being the same. When I run a Dallas rangemaster clone before the LPB2 it works fine as a boost, gives me everything I want but it colors the tone and I loose that sound I am going for. Can anything be done to avoid overloading the LPB2?

    Thanks Alex

    The EH Man

    Lower signal level going in?


    The LPB1 has a very low input impedance, similar to a Fuzz Face, not *as* low but low enough to load down your guitar pickups.

    The disadvantage (similar to a Fuzz Face) is that it may not sound good or as intented when it’s not directly connected to your guitar’s pickups but to the output of another guitar pedal.

    Even a disengaged pedal with a buffer (any Boss pedal) in front of the LPB1 may make it sound too harsh, garbled and gritty.

    You’ll experience the same thing with a Double Muff, Muff Fuzz or Muff Overdrive. Not so much with a Big Muff (despite the similar low input impedance) because of the series resistor at the input.

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