Home Forums Help/Technical Questions KEY 9 issue

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    I recently bought a Key 9 pedal. When I set the selector knob to “9 – steel drums” and set the dry, keys and control knobs to the suggested factory settings I get no signal at all.

    It appears that there is no wet signal on channel 9 – steel drums.

    I returned the pedal to EHX per the instructions and received a second Key 9 pedal. This second pedal has the exact same issue.

    Has anyone else had this issue?

    I get a strong wet signal on channels 1 through 8, but nothing on 9. The only way I get any sound at all on 9 is turning up the dry signal knob, and then it is only a dry signal, no steel drum sound.

    Am I doing something wrong?



    Sorry for the problems.
    Are your pick ups very weak on your guitar?
    The Steel drums need a med signal with a strong pick to sound.
    Can you try another guitar or boost the output of your guitar with a pedal?


    I have tried several electric guitars, none of which make a sound on 9 – steel drums channel. Maybe it is like cable TV and you have to pay extra for channel 9 (just joking).

    So, when all else fails, it’s the battery Dude. This pedal has a power supply, not a battery, so I put it on a digital multi-meter to see what it is putting out.

    The power supply (PS) that came with the Key9 put out 9.82 V and 1.02 A.

    At first, I thought it was reading 102 mA, but I had the meter on the wrong scale. Anyhow, so I looked around and I must have over a dozen EHX pedals and I gathered several that have the same or nearly the same power supply (see below), which seems to be fairly common with EHX pedals and I put them on the meter.

    The PS that came with my Pog2 put out the most at 9.73 V and a whopping 1.49 A
    The runner up was the PS from my Ravish Sitar which read 9.88 V and 1.39 A

    Both the ravish Sitar and Pog2 PS’s have the same rating, 9.6 V 200 mA, but the labels are different. They are white, not black and say “Replacement for Boss and Ibanez”

    All the rest of the power supplies rated at 9.6 V and 200 mA have a black label and say “Elecro-harmonix AC/DC adaptor.

    The voltages on those 4 PS’s ranged from 9.81 to 9.84 V and amps from 1.02 to 1.06 A.

    I took the Pog2 PS and plugged into the Key9 pedal, and like magic, channel 9 – steel drums comes alive.

    I also noted that channel 4 – mallets did not have the latency it had with the PS that came with the Key9.

    Steel drums and Mallets must have a significantly large current draw, more than the other channels.

    So I have fixed my issue, at least I have got the thing to make steel drum sounds.

    Perhaps one of the professional electronics technicians at EHX could take a look at this.

    So, I will leave you with this “I would rather be riding my motorcycle on a bad day than sitting in front of a computer on a good day”.

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