Home Forums The Lounge Just gon’ plug myself a lil’ bit.

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  • #81533

    Hi everyone!

    I haven’t been on in a while, and that’s mostly because I’ve been working on a blog for my little start-up operation called ‘Audiolung’. Now that we’ve got a substantial amount of content up I thought I’d come and plug myself a little :p.

    Basically what we do is make sample-based instruments for Kontakt 4 and Kontakt Player, or at least that’s the plan for the foreseeable future. As it stands we have 3 fully functioning plugins, the ‘Bruno-6’ which is $10, the ‘Stylofone+’ which is $5 and the ‘Stylofone Classic’ which is free!

    Now I’m not here trying to sell stuff! I was just wondering if the tech heads amongst us might like to check it out? Any and all feedback is appreciated, and we’re also looking to hear from people what they’d like to see us sampling, what people don’t have enough of, or simply want more of.

    Link! http://audiolung.blogspot.com/

    Thanks for reading, and CHECK US OUT! :)

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