Home Forums Vintage EHX Is this a Fake Big Muff?

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    Recently, I’ve bought a Big Muff Fuzz Pedal, wich appears to be a Re-issue from the late 2000s (V9), but i’m not sure about it, and i’m even considering to be a fake one.
    I’ll send pictures of it, hope you guys can help me out.

    Pic 1 – Notice how the “Input” is slightly out of center.
    Pic 2 – There’s only one screw on the back, i’ve seen others with 3.
    Pic 3 – Overall Looking
    Pic 4 – The Circuit
    Pic 5 – Notice how the screw is not matching the paint.
    Pic 6 – Notice the input.

    And, I’ve managed to find one just like mine, but it just got sold a couple days ago. Take notes that both were sold in Brazil, so maybe…this big muff is a version for Brazil Only?

    Thanks in advance.

    Ned Flanders

    Indeed, it does look like a copy/fake. And one intended to fool the buyer.

    Knobs are wrong
    Black on the back of the unit appears to be paint when originals are vinyl over metal.
    Solder joints don’t look EH style. They look amateur.
    PCB looks wrong
    Screw holes are wrong.

    Etc etc.

    Pedals are the same regardless of the country and “Brazilian Only“ Big Muffs don’t exist. The only country specific feature is power supplies that plug into the wall, and they state it outright. Attempting to stop this sort of thing in South America (And Asia) would be an effort in futility. Close down one seller and he opens up again under a different address….you’d never find those responsible anyways, not in the 3rd world. The 3rd world has its own rules.

    NOTE: I’m posting this late reply for the good of everyone so fakes can be identified.

    For identifying authentic Big Muffs check out the following:


    It looks like the same pedal as in this thread where I, wrongly so, considered it to be a modified original:


    looks real to me. looks like non OEM knobs. pcb looks legit also. open it up to confirm. it will have silk screen part values and a pcb model number. sometimes silk screening mistakes happens. i’ve noticed some ehx pedals for sale that have the graphics slightly askew. screws go missing sometimes and sometimes whatever sheet metal screws or similar looking one is shoved in the hole. battery cover only ever has one screw. the other two metal “thingies” you may have noticed before are rivets which are used to affix the battery clip to the metal plate that makes the battery “door”. sometimes this is hidden by the black vinyl and sometimes its not. sometimes its repaired. all depends on the history of the individual unit.

    easiest way to confirm if its legit is remove the 4 screws on the face of the pedal an pull it apart. take pics of the PCB and post them here.


    Looks fake for me

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