Home Forums The Lounge I should be an EHX door to door salesman

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    So last year when I first got my SMMH I went to a show that night. This guy who I’m acquainted with from a similar show and would talk to once and awhile through myspace asks me to jam with them at the end.

    So I say sure, bring my guitar, my SMMH, and my LBM.

    And I haven’t seen him for awhile, but recently facebook’d him.

    And you know what’s on his board? An SMMH.



    Definately. I would like to do that as a job.


    ….like any of us could be trusted not to just sit around at home playing on them. :D

    Dr. Matt
    ….like any of us could be trusted not to just sit around at home playing on them. :D


    On this topic, it seems like i should be an EHX pedal demoer. When i started at college i was the only person in my group with a big muff – a lot of people hadn’t even heard of it, so i brought one in to show them, cranked it up and did some harmonic feedback/sustain style solos. Since then a fair few guitarists within the group have bought one, and they’ve all come to me asking how to get that sound 😆



    on this subject I think EHX should employ me to test pedals as they come off the production line, pay for me to fly to NY, buy myself and my family a nice house and pay me more than anyone else. ;)


    I want to be like Vince from Shamwow and Slap Chop fame and wear a head set and smile and demo EHX pedals on TV and use phrases like “you’re life’s going to be so exciting now!”


    I want to do some of the demos that would be on the website.

    I want to do some of the demos that would be on the website.

    Well there’s nothing stopping you, EHX would love more user video content….I’m sure they would be very happy to include your video. Go for it!! :)

    I want to be like Vince from Shamwow and Slap Chop fame and wear a head set and smile and demo EHX pedals on TV and use phrases like “you’re life’s going to be so exciting now!”

    And incur the wrath of the great Billy Mays? I think not.

    Anyway, I’ve never been successful in converting others to the EHX path. They usually don’t need encouragement.


    I would love to go door to door with EHX pedals – lol. What better way to inform the masses of the greatness that is Electro-Harmonix, eh?


    I certainly would, if I had decent camera equipment.

    I suppose I could just record audio and match it up with pictures, but that’s kind of lame.

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