Home Forums The Lounge i need help on building a pedal

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    ok so im trying to build a analog pog2 equivalent. i beleive i will be using a few green ringers, a few shin-ei octave box, a boss slow gear, and some form of simple pitch modulation (for detune but i havent found one yet).

    in the box i plan on having it go like this:
    amp(out) <<< gr (green ringer) < gr < gr < obox (octave box) < obox < obox < slow gear < pitch <<< (in)guitar now i know that all in a series like that, they will equal out to zero so i plan on putting 2 green ringers in series then the previous in parallel and the same with the octave boxes so that i get individual ocaves. 1 + 1 = 2; 1 = 1; that type of thing. also i will have to wire it so that the slow gear goes into each individual or each pair. now the pitch, im gonna have it go through it but also have it skip it wich exposes it to a dry giving it a detune function.
    all together it should look something like this


    sorry guys, i couldnt finish this post yesterday because i had to leave for work. i didnt even add a question. so what i need is some assurance and criticism.

    oh and i finally got the picture to work. it was a nightmare!


    those last two green ringers going anywhere or are they just hangin’ out?


    Jesse, it really sounds like you’re biting off way more than you can chew. That’s a really complicated project.


    yes and no. so do you know what i need to do?


    Get some parts and breadboards!

    Ned Flanders

    The POG/s are extremely advanced pieces of stompbox technology that cant be imitated with analog and zero software.Sorry dude.
    You may end up with something cool but it wont be a POG (analog) equivalent.


    first off i understand that i cant even get polyphonic out of analog so ive already prepared myself for that. im hopin it will be at least cool. if it works then nomatter what the results are i will be proud

    Ned Flanders

    Yeah it should be cool enough.


    im workin on a more detailed picture for your guyses approval. ill post it when finished


    have you thought about buffers? the the start there you split your signal 3 ways then after the slow gear you split it 3 ways again.. I’d think if you do that passively you will run into all sorts of problems.


    can you link me a buffer. also what kind of problems are there?



    so i printed it off and showed it to my dad and he said it wouldnt work. “all the outputs would be tryin to fight eachother” now i kinda understand if thats true but is this where the buffer idea comes in mel?


    youll learn more from attempting it than talking about why it wont work properly.


    i aint got no parts to work with so i thought i might figure it out 1st, make sure it works and then buy all the parts

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