Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics How to order & power my pedals???

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    Been breaking my pocketbook picking up pedals on ebay lately (it’s a great distraction at work) and now I think I’m ready for a small break.

    Now my issue is now to set them up all up and get the best sound possible.

    I’m playing a MIM tele into a pretty decent VOX solid state right now.

    My chain currently looks like this:

    tele-dunlop crybaby-blues driver-big muff pi-xo worm-boss rc-2 looper-AMP

    I’m adding a micro metal muff and a stereo electric mistress. I’m thinking of putting the metal muff after the big muff and the electric mistress after the worm? Not sure about the placement on the mistress quite yet.

    Also, I am getting pretty big hiss from the big muff right now. I have everything daisy chained except my xo worm since it needs it’s own power supply. If I add the metal muff too I’m worried I’m going to get some crazy hiss. Not likely I’ll be running both muffs at the same time but you never know.

    Any suggestions on how to power these to clean it up?



    Ok, got the stereo electric mistress today. thing is awesome! so many weird things you can do. I love it.

    Putting it after the worm seems ok for now. But any other tips would be welcome


    What are you powering them with? A onespot? Use two. I had problems with a loopstation linked up with a Sovtek muff, and several others. I basically put all my digitals on one and 9V analogs on another and had no other noise issues.


    Yes, I’m using a one spot. I’ll give that a try. Hmm. Trying to think if I know everything on my board that is digital.

    everything boss and the electric mistress are digital right? dunlop crybaby?

    big muff, metal muff and xo worm are analog? that correct?


    RC-2s [and RC-20s/20XLs] are pretty well known for metronome tic when daisy chained [poor clock design?]
    and not everything boss is digital [just sayin’]

    Yes, I’m using a one spot. I’ll give that a try. Hmm. Trying to think if I know everything on my board this is digital.

    everything boss and the electric mistress are digital right? dunlop crybaby?

    big muff, metal muff and xo worm are analog? that correct?

    no, your Blues Driver isn’t digital…. just the RC-2 and the SE Mistress.


    Ok, so who can help me here and let me know what on this list is digital and what is analog?

    Also, just for my own understanding, why would putting analog on one power source and digital on another clean things up? Thanks everyone and forgive my tardation.

    Boss rc-2-digital?
    boss blues driver-analog
    ehx xo worm-???
    exh se mistress-digital?
    ehx micro metal muff
    big muff pi-analog
    dunlop crybaby wah-????


    rc-2 and sem are digital, the rest are analog


    I’ve got a Dunlop DC Brick, works great for me. I haven’t tried any other power supplies, so i cant really compare.:):):):):):)


    I wouldn’t recommend a DC Brick, it’s wired up pretty much just like a daisy chain.

    The Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+ is great. It’s basically eight individual power supplies, four of which can supply 9 or 12v, and two of which support higher current at 9V for current hogging digital pedals.


    Ok, couple more questions since I’ve got some more toys now.

    My new setup is like this:

    Tele->Dunlop Crybaby->Boss Blues Driver->Big Muff Pi NYC-> Micro Metal Muff->XO Worm-Electric Mistress->MXR Carbon Copy->EHX Memory Boy->Boss rc-2 looper->VOX AMP

    Just got an LPB-1. Where should that go? Seems like people say either the end or the beginning?


    LPB-1 is a fun little pedal.

    The advantage of putting it at the end of your chain is that, especially with a long chain like yours, it will boost over any signal degradation you might have. Also, at the end it will function as a “louder” pedal for whatever is before it.

    Putting it before a distortion pedal will make that pedal distort more, but still at the same volume level, determined by the distortion pedal, so you’re adding another gain stage to that pedal. I could imagine having the blues driver dialed in for chunky rhythm passages, then hitting the LPB-1 into it for a harsher lead tone. The thing to watch out for is if you then turn off the blues driver, you’ll have a really loud clean tone.

    I’d be curious to hear how the LPB-1 -> Vox amp sounds. I have an old solid state Sunn, and the LPB just really wakes it up, esp when I’m using humbuckers. Sounds like a whole different amp.

    As always, pedal order is subjective, and you should experiment, and let us know what worked best for you.


    Thanks, I appreciate it. Looking forward to playing around with it a bit.

    Think I’m finally going to give my digital & analog pedals their own power too.


    Howdy Again. Been a while so I thought I’d update this one.

    Got a new amp now. Fender Humboldt Blues Junior. This thing rips and makes my pedals really come alive. It’s almost like starting over again in some ways which is great for me.

    I have an even longer and more ridiculous chain of pedals now. It looks like this currently.

    Tele->Dunlop Crybaby->XO Worm—>Boss Blues Driver->MXR Dist III->Big Muff Pi NYC->MXR Fullbore Metal-> Micro Metal Muff->-Electric Mistress->MXR Phase 90—>MXR Carbon Copy->EHX Memory Boy->EXH LPB-1->Boss RC-2 Looper->VOX AMP & Fender Blues Junior

    I also have a BYOC Confidence Boost in an enclosure and made into a real pedal that is great, especially in conjunction with the EHX LPB-1. I’ll pull one of those off and throw the BYOC CB in the mix for fun but it has yet to find a permanent place. Probably gonna ditch the MXR Fullbore. Good idea but just sounds so compressed and weird. Metal Muff is more fun for me.

    Ok, after my rambling, here is my question.

    My Big Muff NYC is sounding more and more hissy and crackly just when I turnt it on and I’m not playing. Tried it with a battery, no better or worse. Different outlets, taking it out of the chain, no better. Going from single coils to humbuckers, no difference really.

    I know they’re noisy beasts but either I’m imagining it or mine is getting worse. I’m handy enough to check the board inside and the connections all look great. What could be the cause?


    My first post in about a year yay! Iv’e recently dug out my one spot which I left for about 10 months and wired it up into my roland cube 30x hum festival. Then I plugged it into my friends peavy and the hum just when. It’s not the first time my amps let me down. I’m getting the dual terror with a 2×12 anyone used it?

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