Home Forums Help/Technical Questions HOW DO YOU POST PICS WITHIN THE POST?

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  • #78876

    sorry, i know this isent about gear but its about the forum and this is the only one i will join.

    ok ive had internet for 15 years and this is the first forum ive felt worth waisting my time posting in.

    so that being sed, how do you post pictures right in the post with the text without it being an attachment on the bottom?

    it seems if i can figure it out, you can post better quality pics.


    use one of these to host the pics

    Then grab the “for forums” links which should look like this


    Paste that in and you’re away.
    Make sure you resize to 800 x 600 or smaller or it’ll get cut off.
    Make sure there are no spaces in the URL…the braindead SW balks on spaces.


    thanks for the info, while i was waiting for a reply i actualy was allready on Photobucket for the first time resizing pics for attachments…..lol….but i dident know i could do that!….thanks

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