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    hi. sorry if this has been asked already, but i’ve looked everywhere …

    i note that many ehx pedals with expression pedal inputs will also take a 0-5v control voltage input.

    will this work with the hog also?

    thanks lots.


    I emailed about this about a year ago, and EHX engineer John Pisani had this to say:

    “Though I have not tested the HOG’s expression pedal input with a control voltage, there should be no reason why it wouldn’t work. It can take 0 – 5V only.”


    ok test done. i got me a moog cp-251. cool unit – produces control voltage only (the noise souce can be used for audio, however, or the lfo if you amp it). the cp-251 produces a noise source, a square wave, a sine wave, can modify the attack and decay of any of the cv waveforms, can combine waveforms, control offset and magnatude, and will latch/trigger. very cool.

    i plugged it into the hog expression pedal input and … amazing. wicked trem in the volume mode, vibrato in the step bend mode, filter sweeps, cool stuff with the gliss mode – gonna be hours of fun. and, with the cp-251, you can use an expression pedal to control most aspects of the contorl voltages (trigger levels, lfo speed, etc.). next step is to get the moog lowpass filter pedal – it will make a cv output from your guitar signal (envelope follower).

    sorry if this sounds like an ad for moog, but a am a happy fellow. one issue, in volume mode, some of the cv signal is audible at max sweep; i’ll have to check the voltages from the cp-251; they may be exceeding 5v at max.


    no it’s cool

    I’d love to get a CP-251 or a Moog MP-201.

    You should make a youtube demo.

    I’d really love to see it’s sample and hold setting with the HOG pitch bend setting

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