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  • #80975

    Is there any insider information of the HOG 2’s development? With the recent release of the Freeze, it would seem probable for a new HOG to be on the horizon. I wonder if it would have new features or if it would just be a repackaged HOG in the new enclosure. Personally, either of those options sound great to me, especially if there is no need for the additional purchase of the Foot Controller for presets. Anybody?


    I don’t see how the HOG could be downsized to fit in that small of an enclosure. They’d have to remove so many features.

    I wish that the original HOG could have had a USB jack so they could have done firmware updates for it, including full midi control of the pedal like with the 2880.

    Maybe they should leave the HOG alone and make an EH polysynth pedal and focus it more upon emulating a polyphonic synthesizer.

    The other thing they could do with the HOG2 is pack more features into it that could be accessed via a special pedal you can connect to it, or with midi, or with going into a computer program that you can hook up the HOG2 to and edit patches manually.

    Some features I’d like to see: multiple expression modes at once: so you can freeze notes and then bend or filter sweep them, or you could bend a 5th up to a 4th down and play in a baritone range but then use freeze.

    Ability to change the tuning of the sliders. Possibly for playing along with justly tuned instruments, for your more Eastern style music.

    A sympathetic mode: uses the voices to voice a comb filter for sitar type reverb sounds.

    I don’t see how the HOG could be downsized to fit in that small of an enclosure. They’d have to remove so many features.

    Perhaps they could use one of these enclosures.


    Well that at least looks like there is room for a middle switch.


    full Midi control please!



    What’s really weird is I ordered that size case by accident. I thought I was ordering an SMMH sized case, but then it came, and it was a monstrosity.

    A Hammond 1590 DD might just be able to fit everything that was on the HOG.

    Full midi control would be a dream. The things I could do with arduino for it!


    bump. any news on this yet?

    Some features I’d like to see: multiple expression modes at once: so you can freeze notes and then bend or filter sweep them, or you could bend a 5th up to a 4th down and play in a baritone range but then use freeze.

    I guess that implies that frozen notes cannot be bent, filtered swept/manipulated then? *confused* (I don’t own a hog yet, so I wouldn’t know, yet)

    — So, theoretically, in order to make this work, we’d have to put a freeze before the hog and then use the hog to bend or filter sweep the note that comes from the freeze, is that right? Or, play the baritone range through the hog and then put a freeze behind the hog…

    Ability to change the tuning of the sliders.

    — And, using a pitch shifter in order to change the tuning, perhaps?

    …Does that make any sense or would it all be just freeze/pitchshift overkill, as the hog could do all of this itself…perhaps by feeding the hog’s fx loop back into the hog and then do the tone bending, etc. manually, i.e. in the second ‘cycle’?



    Well, frozen notes can be filter swept and octaves faded in and out, but only with the sliders. But you can’t do anything with the expression pedal because you’d have to change the expression mode and therefor turn off the freeze (since it’s an expression mode)


    The only thing I think the HOG desperately needs is the multiple settings stored on the same device. If they designed it around the POG 2’s Multiple switching, then I would be set. A MIDI hook up and multiple effects at once would be sweet too though


    How about a nano switcher?

    I don’t see any reason why they can’t put a hazarai knob and a footswitch in a nano box and have it send the HOG the same messages.

    How about a nano switcher?

    I don’t see any reason why they can’t put a hazarai knob and a footswitch in a nano box and have it send the HOG the same messages.

    Now that is an idea I could get behind. Could that even somehow piggyback onto the HOG to add more possible presets?

    How about a nano switcher?

    I don’t see any reason why they can’t put a hazarai knob and a footswitch in a nano box and have it send the HOG the same messages.

    sheeeeeeeeeiiit and make it compatible with the other hazarai-preset based pieces? talking pedal, cathedral, pog2, smmwh, etc?


    +1 for nano switcher!


    How about a nano switcher?

    I don’t see any reason why they can’t put a hazarai knob and a footswitch in a nano box and have it send the HOG the same messages.

    Made a new thread about it.

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