Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Hazarai Termolo?

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    Greetings~ Im a new user to the forum with WAY too many years under my belt.

    LOVE my Hazarai~ trying to work it into my band a little at a time. So, that said.. here is what I need to do and any help would be appreciated!

    with all the envelope- mangling suff the box does, ( reverse, RAMP UPS for dealys etc). one of you folks has to have looked for and found.. TREMOLO! Gotta be in there somewhere.

    Also I have a couple of passable Leslie settings via. the mod section…. but if anyone cares to share any it would help a brother out.

    Thanks in advance and best to all the EHX fans~

    Jack Secret.


    the mod section can’t do the best leslie because the rate is so slow. If it could do really fast rate it would be better at it.



    so first place I looked was 1 second plus echo. I know I’ve set it to have 3 short equal volume repeats so that I could make it sound like I was strumming 3 chords faster than humanly possible.

    So here’s what I came up with- every knob at 12 o’clock. Tremelecho. Not perfect, but its interesting. You can adjust delay to give you a sort of a “rate” control and repeats too add more or less echo. Tone can be adjust to taste.

    Then I went in to reverse mode, because I’ve got ring mod sounds and I’ve got sample and hold filter sounds, why not trem sounds?

    So do Blend and Filter at 12 o’clock, decay and repeats all the way down, Delay just a hair past 9’o clock. Gives a subtle fast trem/leslie sound.


    Thanks for the quick repsonse Julian. If i have some resutls, I will share them wtih the forum.I appreciate you involvement and passion for this stuff.

    Stay well nad I’ll let you know how it works!

    Jack Secret.


    I got Tremolo with the SMMH by recording a loop and then changing the playing speed with the tap tempo.


    interesting! THanks for the tip



    I don’t have the Hazarai anymore, but I remember finding some Tremolo-esque sounds in the reverse echo mode.


    Thanks pumpkin. It is appreciated.

    Hope all of you folks stay well!

    take care!


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