Home Forums The Lounge Hardware MIDI Step-Sequencers (have disappeared from the face of the Earth)

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    Hi guys,

    I know a few of you use synths in your music and was wondering if any of you knew of a small, tidy (more importantly) inexpensive hardware MIDI step sequencer that I could use to control my Microkorg? It’s got an arpeggiator built in, but I find it very limited. I’ve googled all sorts of variations on ‘MIDI step sequencer’ but can’t find what I’m after, not even anything close, which is worrying :(

    Thanks :)


    you mean like a Korg EA-1? or something that changes parameters by step that you’d be connecting to yr microkorg?


    You’re in the right area, the EA-1 has a step sequencer at the bottom, which is the only thing I’m after. I’m just after something where I can define note pitch and rhythm across 8, 16 or 32 steps and have it send that information out to the Microkorg via MIDI. The Roland MC-303 has a 16-step one.


    yeah. EA-1’s are decently cheap, if you aren’t going for the mkII model. Around 80-150$USD. Mine’s pretty easy to use and actually pretty good sounding on its own or through pedals. and it has an up-to-64 step sequencer.

    only complaint I have about it is no pedal start/stop input and I’m having a beast of a time finding a hardware midi pedal that’ll do it. Got the Digitech PDS3500 and while it is wonderful for changing program info and individual values on the fly, it doesn’t work as a start-stop pedal.


    Bugger me that’s cheap! They have unfortunately been discontinued in the UK :'( recurring theme in the UK; everything music-tech related is either faaaaar more expensive than in the US, or is simply not available  data-src=


    oh yeah they’re discontinued here too; I was talking ebay prices. and I haven’t really seen anything else like these that wasn’t 1- also made by Korg 2- more expensive than the EA-1. mind you, I haven’t really been searching too hard since getting mine, but I did a little shopping around before getting mine. You might want to be looking in the drum machine [ahem, ‘Groovebox’] area, but read carefully. I initially bought a Boss DR-3 because it could do bass sequencing, but it’s MIDI IN only.


    You could always make a DIY sequencer with an arduino.

    I’ve made midi controllers as well as CV sequencers with arduino.


    you have described my problem exactly. i still have not solved it. have you had any luck finding one?

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