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  • #83417
    Muff Diver

    Greetings fellow EH lovers. New member here, but a LONG time user of Big Muffs. I bought my first one in 1973… a Rams Head. I had seen an advert in Creem Magazine from EH and it featured the Big Muff Pi (along with the Black Finger, LPB1 and Bad Stone… and other sundry pedals). I had also heard this amazing guitar solo on a Carpenter’s song that absolutely mesmerized me (Goodbye to Love). Then I found out the solo sound was created using this “Big Muff Pi” thing I saw in the ad. I immediately went to a small local music store and, lo and behold, they had a used one someone had returned because they didn’t like the sound. I wound up purchasing it for $25! I LOVED that pedal! I used it a lot in a band I was in until I let a “friend” borrow it. That was the last time I ever saw my Rams Head Big Muff. I tried to get it back, but he was sent away to Vietnam and none of his family knew where it might be. He wound up dying in a training accident and that was that. “Sniffle” I’ll never forget that first Muff. I keep thinking it might be in someone’s closet or something all this time. It had the sweetest tone and a singing sustain that would make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. I now have a 79’ish V6 Muff, which I like a lot, too. I also have a Double Muff, Metal Muff, Germanium 4, Little Big Muff and the new Tone Wicker Muff (which REALLY kicks some gluteus maximus). I almost bought a Big Muff Nano recently, but the tone just seemed a bit weak and muted to me. I’ll probably still get one sometime later. The Germanium 4 is a very interesting cross breed that can produce some very nice tones, almost as sweet as my old Rams Head… or maybe it’s just nostalgic memories. Anyway, I have been lurking here and reading a lot of the excellent stuff you guys post and decided to register and say hello. So… hello.


    There is a company (name escapes me) who makes a replica of the Rams Head Big Muff. There is a youtube channel called Frankenstomp where he reviews the Ram’s head clone pedal. Pretty reasonably priced.

    Muff Diver
    There is a company (name escapes me) who makes a replica of the Rams Head Big Muff. There is a youtube channel called Frankenstomp where he reviews the Ram’s head clone pedal. Pretty reasonably priced.

    So many of the Muff clones are REALLY expensive, and I’m not paying that much for anything that I can’t have sex with. I’ve really been impressed with the Blackout Effectors Musket (based on the Sovtek circuit).


    Kitrae has some info about it on the Big Muff page. I’ve also considered building my own Rams Head clone from one of the kits these guys have:


    I’ve heard pretty good things about them, and it’s only like $65 bucks American. The Rams Head is what I’d really love to have again, but not at over a thousand dollars. Their Violet Rams Head kit is mighty tempting.

    Muff Diver

    I finally got a picture of my Muff Family. I’m now planning on getting a Deluxe Big Muff to go along with the rest of the gang. The big boy on the left is my V6 and the one on the right with the LED is my Reissue. Of all of these, the V6 is still my favorite. The Germanium 4 is very interesting, but quite different. The Tone Wicker is probably my favorite of the new breed of Muff pedals. And before anyone points out that the Holy Stain isn’t a Muff… I am well aware of that fact. It is an EH pedal, though.

    The background I photographed them on was printed on banner material using a pack of strings I scanned. It’s a little blurry, but turned out quite nice, considering. I’ve got the banner hanging on the wall in my music room now.

    I finally got a picture of my Muff Family. I’m now planning on getting a Deluxe Big Muff to go along with the rest of the gang. The big boy on the left is my V6 and the one on the right with the LED is my Reissue. Of all of these, the V6 is still my favorite. The Germanium 4 is very interesting, but quite different. The Tone Wicker is probably my favorite of the new breed of Muff pedals. And before anyone points out that the Holy Stain isn’t a Muff… I am well aware of that fact. It is an EH pedal, though.

    The background I photographed them on was printed on banner material using a pack of strings I scanned. It’s a little blurry, but turned out quite nice, considering. I’ve got the banner hanging on the wall in my music room now.

    Would LOVE to see a larger version of that pic.

    Yep, I’ve added the Deluxe and the new Bass Nano Big Muff Pi to my immediate need EHX pedal list…

    Muff Diver

    I hope I’m not breaking any rules by posting this, but here’s the original picture, echoraven. I hope it works.


    Oh, and I also acquired an LPB-1 that isn’t pictured here. The Deluxe Big Muff will be mine in about a week or two!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Muff Diver

    Three more additions to my EH family! I just ordered a Germanium Overdrive, a Soul Food and a Deluxe Big Muff Pi. They should be here the first of next week. I’m like a kid waiting for Santa Claus… except I had to pay for these toys!

    Muff Diver

    Got my Deluxe Big Muff and Soul Food Tuesday and should get my Germanium OD today. I must say… I’ve never had the pleasure of using a Klon, but if it’s any better than the Soul Food, I’d have to hear it in person with my own 2 ears. That little thing is awesome! The Deluxe Big Muff is another EH pedal that will take a while to explore completely. So many sonic possibilities. I’m looking forward to Labor Day weekend so I’ll have some extra time to experiment with it. Awesome stuff EH!

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