Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Graphic Fuzz, should I get one?

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    I’m really interested in the EHX Graphic Fuzz but I have some concerns and i’m not able to try one out. I’ve heard that they’re not really a fuzz but an OD/Distortion, however this isn’t really an issue, I have 2 different Big Muff Pi’s and Germanium 4 Big Muff, and that’s what i’m after. However I am concerned about the amount of gain they have, i’m after something that can match the kind of gain I can get out of the distortion side of the G4BM, and i’ve also heard that the new XO ones are not as good as the old bigger box ones. Can anyone share their experiences?

    The EH Man

    Well, I have a used big box version for sale if you’re interested. They have plenty of gain, especially with the EQ boost.


    have you watched the ehx vid?#


    that should give you a pretty good idea of what it sounds like, it has a decent amount of gain imo, enough for everything other than really distorted metal.

    The new one can use a regular ‘boss’ 9v power supply, the old version needs it’s own special (40v if I recall) power supply, so that’s an improvement on the old one to most people, it’s also smaller and from what I’ve heard it sounds the same (although I’ve never had the chance to A/B them directly) so ‘not as good’ really needs more explanation, I’m sure as many (if not more) would think it’s better.


    I would be but space is limited on my pedal board, I don’t think the older version would fit. Thanks for the offer though. Plus in in the UK, I assume you’re in the US.


    They have them for £89 at iMuso btw … probably the cheapest I’ve seen them.

    have you watched the ehx vid?#


    that should give you a pretty good idea of what it sounds like, it has a decent amount of gain imo, enough for everything other than really distorted metal.

    The new one can use a regular ‘boss’ 9v power supply, the old version needs it’s own special (40v if I recall) power supply, so that’s an improvement on the old one to most people, it’s also smaller and from what I’ve heard it sounds the same (although I’ve never had the chance to A/B them directly) so ‘not as good’ really needs more explanation, I’m sure as many (if not more) would think it’s better.

    Thanks. I have watched the clip but, as with most clips demoing gear, the guy plays with a kind of bluesy lead style that isn’t how I play at all. When I see clips I want to see noisy power chord style grungey riffs, but I guess i’m in the minority. You’re right in that it did give me soem idea but I always find it’s good to ask people that have actually used one.

    I wasn’t aware that you could use a Boss style adapter, that makes it even more tempting, I thought the EHX website said it came with it’s own adapter so assumed it would be something other than 9v.

    They have them for £89 at iMuso btw … probably the cheapest I’ve seen them.

    I managed to get Hot Rox to match a price of £99 i’d seen elsewhere but £89 is even better. I’m going to try and get them to match it as their website states they’ll match any price and throw in free delivery. However when I emailed before they only said they would reduce the delivery to £1.25 and not make it free so I replied saying they shouldn’t state things on their website that they’re not going to honour. They have yet to reply.

    They have them for £89 at iMuso btw … probably the cheapest I’ve seen them.

    I managed to get Hot Rox to match a price of £99 i’d seen elsewhere but £89 is even better. I’m going to try and get them to match it as their website states they’ll match any price and throw in free delivery. However when I emailed before they only said they would reduce the delivery to £1.25 and not make it free so I replied saying they shouldn’t state things on their website that they’re not going to honour. They have yet to reply.

    Hotrox are good, good luck with that.

    yeah, it’s a regular 9v psu, the reason you get one with it is there is no battery option … so it’s not an optional extra.


    I just bought vintage unit from the early 80s. The envelope section is really cool. Turn the sensitivity slider up, and you can play softer to get the tone almost clean, then play harder and it goes into high gain. Great for those grunge dynamics.

    I just bought vintage unit from the early 80s. The envelope section is really cool. Turn the sensitivity slider up, and you can play softer to get the tone almost clean, then play harder and it goes into high gain. Great for those grunge dynamics.

    ok, enough of that!! I really want one now, but cannot afford. :(


    I’ve had the GraphicFuzz for a few months now. I used to only use it as an EQ after my two distortion pedals (Digitech Hardwire Tube and Valve distortions) and honestly…I don’t even use the hardwire distortions kus the graphicfuzz’s distortion (and I call it this because it far surpasses a conventional fuzz, IMO) gives me everything I need in a distortion unit, BUT with a better eq to shape the particular distortion you want. I’m glad because my pedalboard is starting to make me look like a hoarder lol

    I’m glad because my pedalboard is starting to make me look like a hoarder lol

    “Hoarder” that just about brings tears to my eyes. I so know what you mean hahaha.


    tell me about it. I just bought an RC-50, and I found a great deal after that. Three Boss pedals, all still in the box, for 150…I don’t even have too many gigs anymore…

    my pedalboard is starting to make me look like a hoarder lol

    Join me in the “Pedal Hoarders Unashamed Club” (PHUC) where you don’t have to feel guilty about collecting cool pedals anymore. Repeat after me, “Having a lot of cool gear isn’t a crime against musicians” ;)


    Having watched the demo I now want to buy one, so yes, buy one.

    I also REALLY want a Germanium 4 Big Muff Pi, just saying, it’s nearly christmas!

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