Home Forums Help/Technical Questions English muff straight into power amp?

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    Can i run my guitar into my English muff straight to my tube peavey 50/50 power amp? i always used to put the pedal before a preamp but its not necessary right?

    The EH Man

    No reason why you couldn’t. Let us know how it sounds.


    I’ve used the LPB 2-ube as a preamp into a (solid state) power-amp. Seems to provide plenty of oomph. The power amp is only 200 watts, but with the LPB in front it’s loud as hell.

    In general, this is an unanswerable question, or rather it is specific to what pre and power amps you use, and what kind of resistances are present. As far as I know, there’s no industry standard definition of what “pre-amp” means, in terms of what power amps it should be able to drive.


    I used an Ibanez Tube King (12ax7 based) straight into the return of effects loop on a Fender FM65R. That means bypassing preamp, reverb, etc and pretty much going straight into the power amp section of the amplifier.

    Worked beaultifully.


    How can you put the TubeKing in your effects loop? Isn’t putting a distortion or gain-based effect in the effects loop of an amp harmful to the amp itself?


    nope. in fact, the controls on most amps are distortion effects. an effects loop is an insert point [typically] between the preamp’s eq/gain section and the power amp [the part that makes the speaker go].

    How can you put the TubeKing in your effects loop? Isn’t putting a distortion or gain-based effect in the effects loop of an amp harmful to the amp itself?

    It worked well without any problems in my case.

    I’ve used it in the loop in two different ways:

    1. Using as an additional stage through the loop.
    2. Bypassing the amp’s preamp,substituting it for the Tube King and going straight intothe “return” as described before.

    The two configurations gave me different sounds and differet features.

    – When bypassing the amp’s preamp, I also lost the reverb, but had better tone (in my oipnion) and better volume contros (for bedroom volume levels)
    – When using it as an additional stage (therefore fully utilizing the amp’s preamp) I could use the reverb and amp’s tone controls. The tube king would react quite well when increasing the amp’s input volume and break up beautifully, but in higher gain situations the reverb would be before the Tube King, making it a bit un-usable.

    Anyway, it was a temporary solution. Nowadays you can get some pretty good valve amps for reasonable prices. Really depends on what type of music you play, your tone preferences and how loud you want to get.

    Some examples:

    Vox AC4-TV(H), Vox Night Train, Orange Tiny Terror, Fender Blues Junior, Fender Pro Junior, Marshall Class 5, Marshall Haze 15 and 40, and the list goes on and on and on and on………

    Depending on where you live, you can probably get a Vox AC-4 for the price you wold pay for an english muffin anyway.


    And now there is a new VOX called Lil’ Night Train, that has a line level output. That means you can use it as a preamp into your power amp! And I’m guessing it will be pretty cheap (compared to other amps in themarket).

    It’s only 2W and uses a 12AX7 as a power tube (Yeah… I Know!!!!!)

    Otherwise, if you still want to go with the English Muffin, you could also try a direct box between your English Muffin and the Power Amp (Which may not even be necessary)


    thanks for the input, I’m gonna try that out!


    Great thread! Would any of the tube series pedals work the same way? I’m looking to use the Tube EQ as a preamp for an old Peavey MX (had to pare down my amp collection, and that’s the one that would fetch the least so it’s the one I kept). This amp has 4 6l6’s in the power section, but a mediocre SS preamp.

    Would another pedal from the same family work better for this application? I think the EQ may come in handy tho.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts–


    And now there is a new VOX called Lil’ Night Train, that has a line level output. That means you can use it as a preamp into your power amp! And I’m guessing it will be pretty cheap (compared to other amps in themarket).

    It’s only 2W and uses a 12AX7 as a power tube (Yeah… I Know!!!!!)

    Otherwise, if you still want to go with the English Muffin, you could also try a direct box between your English Muffin and the Power Amp (Which may not even be necessary)

    I got a Lil’ Night Train and Cab, that I will pick up on 3-23-12. It is the greatest 2 watts I’ve ever heard! I wonder what it will sound like with pedals in front of it. It actually has two 12ax7s as drivers and the power tube is an 12au7. Pretty crazy, huh? If you play through one it will blow your mind! Through the Vox 16 ohm cab it is 2 watts. You can also play it through an 8 ohm driver and it would then only be 1 1/2 watts!

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