Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Electric Mistress Setting – Dinsaur Jr

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    hey everyone, i am new to the board and been an avid EHX enthusiast for years. i have a question about the newer Electric Mistress Stereo Flanger. the main reason i recently got one was after seeing J Mascis from Dinosaur Jr. recently. i had forgotten about a part in the song Freak Scene from the documentary of the Sonic Youth European Festival Tours in 1991 (The Year Punk Broke). I was hoping one of ya’ll maybe knows what i am refering too. he does a part where he lets a note ring, and it does a typical flanger effect where it goes up and back down in time with the song. after i saw them recently, i noted he definitely had a Mistress. i can’t really make my do that (experimented with it before and after the Muff and all of the rate and effect settings).

    figured it was worth a shot to see if any of yall maybe able to give me a hint. i have always only ran a Muff and a wah for years, but than added a clone, than a small stone, than a pulsar, then the mistress so i am learning as i go.


    I know exactly the sound you mean, I have the video and I was actually there in the crowd!! Reading festival UK 1991, what a year that was!! :)

    Unfortunatly I don’t own a DEM, but going on the sound I’d say it was run after the big muff to get that classic jet plane sound…

    here’s the clip if anyone else has any ideas on settings.

    I know exactly the sound you mean, I have the video and I was actually there in the crowd!! Reading festival UK 1991, what a year that was!! :)

    Unfortunatly I don’t own a DEM, but going on the sound I’d say it was run after the big muff to get that classic jet plane sound…

    here’s the clip if anyone else has any ideas on settings.



    Great song! but I’m not even going to pretend that I can hear anything in the way of settings based on that track. It sounds like rawrwhoorrawreeerawrwhoorawreeooo!


    take a listen at the part at around 30 seconds of the clip. he does a distinctive flanger part that ascendes and descends in time with the song like a jet flying by. i cant get my mistress to sound that tight and controlled. i was thinking maybe a compressor or something was involved.

    you shouldn’t have any trouble hearing that effect. as for the rest of the song, that may be hard as you say.


    I will have to say that what I hear is a flanger…meaning, that I am not sure what you are meaning…do you want the effect to be more pronounce then you are getting? I will guess that the amp was cranked and getting a lot of noise?


    oh hang on……I just re-read the first post, I didn’t realise you had the stereo EM. That’s a pretty different beast to the deluxe EM…


    have a listen to this and see if it’s closer to what you are seeking.

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