Home Forums Vintage EHX EHX Deluxe Octave Multiplexer 5 Knob…… Where to sell?

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  • #78589

    Hiya guys,

    Im a newbie to this forum.. I own a lot of vintage EHX pedals and im also looking into buying a new Microsynth but I need to sell my vintage DOM first.. Any idea where to sell this great pedal as I would like to keep it within the EHX worshipping community!

    Your help would be greatly appreciated!


    The EH Man

    There’s no buy/sell forum here. Your best bet is ebay.

    There’s no buy/sell forum here. Your best bet is ebay.

    Thats cool I will have to sell it there then, just thought there may have been a good store or something in place for vintage EHX? I will sell on eBay then!

    Any idea what I should value this Deluxe Octave Multiplexer at?




    make it a buy-it-now price of $100 and then let me know when the auction starts. The 4-knob version looks way cooler though.

    make it a buy-it-now price of $100 and then let me know when the auction starts. The 4-knob version looks way cooler though.

    I think I would rather gauge my eye out with a rusty fork than sell this for $100! Sorry bud


    $3-400? they’re pretty rare.

    i’d put it up on ebay, craigslist and harmony-central for starters

    $3-400? they’re pretty rare.

    i’d put it up on ebay, craigslist and harmony-central for starters

    Nice one thanks dude! I live in UK, I actually have too of these bad boys.. Im gonna keep the tatty one and sell the NOS one off.. Could have done with a trade but I suppose eBay it is! :o)




    I’ve bid on quite a few of those on ebay, but never won one. I ended up buying a Pigtronix Mothership, which has quenched my Deluxe Octave Multiplexer desires for now. It would be fun to compare the two in a shootout. Both were designed by Howard Davis.

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