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  • #77858
    Howard Davis

    I’d like to introduce myself to those in the Electro-Harmonix community that do not already know me. From 1976 to 1981 I was the Manager of Analog Circuit Design for EH, and during that period I designed the electronics for many EH products. I designed the Deluxe Memory Man, Deluxe Electric Mistress, original Polyphase, and many others. More recently I have been a consultant for EH, and have designed or redesigned several EH products now on the market. I am a freelance engineering consultant, and my work is not limited to EH. I engineered the entire line of Pigtronix pedals except for the original EP-1 phaser, now out of production and soon to be replaced by the EP-2. I have also done special engineering projects for such bands as Pink Floyd and ZZ Top.

    While engineering is my first priority, I also do repair and modification work. I have lists of the custom mods available for many EH products – just email me and tell me what you are considering having fixed or modded, and I’ll send you the relevant information. I do not work on digital pedals such as the Holy Grail, tube pedals, the Russian-made reissues, or the recent products made with surface-mount components. These are usually more costly to fix or mod than they are worth.

    My website http://howard.davis2.home.att.net/ has many informative articles that can give you a better technical understanding of guitar and audio electronics. There’s plenty of practical information there, so check it out. My Terms of Service on that website details the services I offer.

    Unfortunately, I usually do not have the time to answer specific “how do I – – ?” questions. There are “do it yourself” sites on which technical questions can be posted for others to reply to.

    Keep on ROCKIN!

    Guitar pedal design engineering, repairs, and custom mods:
    Email: howard.davis2@att.net


    Welcome Howard! With you I think we have all the big vintage EH techs/modders on the forum.

    Your site’s linked to on EH Mod Page:



    you kick so much ass.


    Hi Howard. I have written you at the e-mail provided. I want to get my Electric Mistress modded with the works. I have written twice with no reply. Frustrated, I am now searching the internet for how I can do the mods myself, thinking maybe you are out of the mod business. But then I found your recent post on this forum. Can I please get some info on modding the EM? I want all the mods you offer…true bypass, input impedance increase mod, volume equalization mod, deluxe to vintage mod, smoother sweep mod, noise reduction mod, and LED mod. I am willing to try modding it myself, but would prefer to send it to you, I just have had no reply after two attempts. Thought maybe contacting through this forum might work.

    Scott Bennett

    Howard Davis

    Hi Scott,

    I DID reply to your previous emails, and I sent another reply today to the email I received from you today. Have you been missing emails from anyone else? If you do not receive today’s replay from me, please let me know.

    Yes, I can do all the mods you want. Let me know which specific model of Deluxe Electric Mistress you have, as some of the mods are not necessary on some models.

    Guitar pedal design engineering, repairs, and custom mods:



    My sincere apologies! Turns out my Road Runner account was pre-configured to block e-mail from att.net accounts. It’s fixed now. Thanks for replying to this thread so I could straighten this out!



    Hey, i recently bought a holy grail reverb that electro harmonix doesn’t make anymore. Its the model before the Nano. Sound comes out very nice, only problem is that it makes a weird humming sound. will you be able to repair it? thanks

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