Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Double Muff Nano – not working as advertised

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    I compared my new Double Muff Nano to the demo video on the EHX site, read some opinions on different forums and it seems my pedal does not work like it should. The first Muff is more like a huge volume boost, no fuzz at all. The second Muff sounds the way it should. I got the impression from the EHX site that both Muff circuits are similar and then cascaded which would crate a huge fuzz sound. On my pedal the Muff 1 is just a volume adjustment.

    What’s going on?


    do you have your guitar’s volume rolled down?


    C’mon, I know the basics.

    I wonder what is normal for the Muff 1 – is it a fuzz or just volume pot?


    hey, you’d be surprised how many of the errors on here are definitely users overlooking things or being generally inexperienced. You can’t tell from the internet.
    per here, looks like the first is supposed to act as a volume, second as a fuzz.

    that said, I thought the slightly older large box models were kind of an overdrive type grainy sound on single and a raucous fuzz on double. hope this helps.


    OK, thanks for trying to help me.

    From the instructions:

    “In single mode, the amount of overdrive will lessen as you decrease the volume on your guitar. “
    What overdrive? There is no overdrive, just pure volume which drives preamp into distortion. I tried both single coils and humbuckers. Also if you watch closely the first demo video:
    THIS is what I was looking for when I bought the DM!!

    Hopefully EH people will answer my question. Should the Muff 1 be a volume or a fuzz?


    from what i know, the original “Muff” circuit is simply a mild over driven boost, that sounds great as a fuzz when stacking more than one in a row. hence they made the “Double Muff” that is simply 2 of the same circuits in the same box.

    so in reality the 2 knobs do the same thing, but it sounds fuzzier when you start turning up the second one, because you are then stacking the two circuits into each other.

    so in reality the 2 knobs do the same thing, but it sounds fuzzier when you start turning up the second one, because you are then stacking the two circuits into each other.

    That’s what I expected, but unfortunately my DM Nano doesn’t work like that. Now I’m waiting for a reply from EHX people in order to know if my pedal is broken or if the Muff 1 pot works like it is designed.


    EHX, please tell me do I have a broken product or does the description of the device sound normal.


    It looks like this is a feature of the product. I got another one from the shop for free and it’s the same. Too bad!


    seems odd to me, I’ve not tried the nano but I have the original and it’s one of my favourite overdrives in ‘single’ mode. There’s 2 points here.. it’s correct that in single mode the knob acts as a volume control, but it should work as a volume control for the overdrive (the amount of drive is ‘fixed’).. but it’s not a clean volume boost at all.

    I am driving mine with medium output humbuckers though, but even taking that into account, there’s no way it should be clean with single coils… the ‘muff fuzz’ (of which this is two of cascaded) is a pretty gritty little beast. you should at least get a gritty vintage drive sound in single mode.


    skip to about 1:30 to hear it in single mode.


    Perhaps the Nano and the old version are two different beasts?

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