Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Does the HOG cut out like the MICROSYNTH?

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    I owned a Microsynth XO for a little while, but ended up selling it on Craigslist because it would cut out on longer sustains. I put a compressor pedal in front of it, which helped a lot, but hated having to use extra pedals to make it work correctly.

    A few questions …

    + Does the Hog have this same issue, or does it work well as a stand alone pedal?
    + Can you do the octave sweeps on the Hog like the Microsynth (high to low / low to high)?
    + Will the HOG eventually get the smaller XO footprint too, or is it destined to be a huge ass pedal forever?

    I love what I have heard for the Hog, but the finicky-ness of the Microsynth has scared me with these type of pedals.


    1 – do you use your guitar’s volume control? You shouldn’t with equipment that is amplitude triggered like the microsynth, hog, etc. It expects a set volume; a compressor helps provide that. You not turning down your input volume ALSO helps provide that.
    2 – no idea
    3 – likely destined to be gigantic forever, although i’m disappointed they haven’t put out a rack version yet.


    The HOG doesn’t cut out unless you set it to cut out (you can give the note volume attack or decay with the envelope control, if you set it to decay it will cut out, but on purpose)

    There’s no auto filter sweep on the HOG like on the Microsynth but you can do a manual sweep with an expression pedal.

    They’re pretty different pedals, but both cool. I’ve been really wanting a microsynth for awhile because there aren’t many pedals with a synth filter sweep like that.

    I’ve been really wanting a microsynth for awhile because there aren’t many pedals with a synth filter sweep like that.

    That is the main feature I am looking for … a great sweep from low/high, or high/low with a rate (time) that wont cut out. Any suggestions of other pedals that may be able to do this?


    Not that I know of, most every filter I can think of is an envelope follower rather than envelope triggered like the microsynth’s.

    Not that I know of, most every filter I can think of is an envelope follower rather than envelope triggered like the microsynth’s.

    Is it just me, wouldn’t this be a great pedal? Have a sweep that the rate is controlled by a tap tempo. Man, I wish I knew more about electronics.


    That’s certainly doable, & would be quite awesome. I think it’d be cool if it could switch between LPF & phaser.

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