Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Compressor with od/dis

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    i tried the black finger, the super comp and dyna comp the other day and none of the seemed to work with od/dis

    the od/dis pedal was the EHX English Muff’n, which i already own, so wanted to test it with that

    when turned on the od/dis just seemed to disapeer, and to get it back i had to turn it up fully, which when i did, it started to clip and fuzz

    anything im doing wrong ?

    i really want to get the black finger, but if it sounds like this all the time, no chance

    also whats the white finger like compared to the black ?

    ive heard there pretty similar, but i didnt get time to try them side by side

    i will be going back to the shop soon



    You have to run the guitar into the compressor then od/dist (you don’t have to but this is what I suggest). I have a Rocktron Big Crush going into a Muff’n>Rocktron Silver Dragon>LPB-1>Russian Muff and all of them sound fine! I don’t know what you could be doing wrong?


    the person above me had a point the compressor needs to generaly be before the od/distortion.
    first in my chain are the filter effects, like wah and envelope (Doctor Q), then it goes into my compressor (tube Black finger) (filter effects need to be compressed since they alter levels) and then into distortion (full size Metal Muff w/ top boost) then after that anything els like modulators and delays.


    yh i ran it both ways

    muff’n > black finger

    black finger > muff’n

    wether i was just a bad day, casue ive seen loads of things on youtube that use od with it

    would the white finger say be better for use with od ? or is the black finger more warm and fatten up the tone more ??

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