Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear classic small clone and small stone

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    No matter what I always come back to these two for modulation. For simple, great sounding, affordable Phase and Chorus I don’t think they will ever be beaten!!


    Tell me otherwise!


    I think the only way to beat the clone is to mod it to have things like a depth pot or chorus/vibrato switch etc. But that’s not really beating it.

    As for the stone… not a clue, never used one. Only phaser I’ve got is my Marshall Regenerator, and that’s a pile of crap.

    EDIT: Wish all their pedals still came in wooden crates, that’s just awesome.


    yeah, like you say you could add more knobs but I like the fact I can just plug them in and they sound great… I don’t really like having to spend ages dialing something in… the simplicity is a plus for me.

    …as far as I’m concerned it’s the manufacturers job to make a pedal sound good, not mine!!

    …. yeah, the wooden boxes are great, I’d like more… I’m always keeping an eye out for Big Muff in a crate!

    I think the only way to beat the clone is to mod it to have things like a depth pot or chorus/vibrato switch etc. But that’s not really beating it.

    As for the stone… not a clue, never used one. Only phaser I’ve got is my Marshall Regenerator, and that’s a pile of crap.

    Oh Hell yeah, that Marshall Regenerator is awful… The only interesting thing it did was that Step Phaser which I couldn’t find much use for (Apart from the intro to Muse – Map of the Problematique… which I couldn’t care less about having a specific effect for) and I suppose the Vibe settings were quite nice, but the Flanger was so weak, to be honest that whole line of pedals was a bit of a dissapointment.

    Regards the Original Question… the Small Clone I cannot fault, nicest chorus, Ever, especially with the mods mentioned (And running it at a higher voltage, if it uses the 3007). But the Small Stone… I think i’d swap it for the Bad Stone, infact that’s probably one of the only Phasers i’ve ever really liked the sound of, it’s just very smooth and musical, however I haven’t tried the Small Stone in person yet, just from clips (Got a Green Russian on the way though).


    Once I had both of them, I turned them on together with a nice feedbacking fuzz… I suddenly didn’t want a Polychorus anymore. :thumb:

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