Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Certain type of degree to make effects at EHX?

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    This is a question for anybody who works at an effects company. To build or make effects I’m wondering if I need or should have a background with electrical engineering? Any help on this subject would be great!


    *disclaimer … I don’t work for EHX

    I would imagine it would depend on what exactly you wanted to do…. if you are talking about designing and prototyping (which I guess is the real fun) then I’d think some sort of degree in electronics would be very helpful, but that’s not to say you couldn’t do it with a collage course in electronics and some reading of books etc. If you knew enough to design some pedals yourself and visit the comapny with your designs then you could get lucky without any kind of qualifications.

    …if on the other hand you just want to solder for a living then just learning to solder well would probably be enough! There is a large electronics place near me who employ school leavers without any qualifications and within a month they have been taught to solder and are working in the factory. But bear in mind that most of the large companies use machines to populate the circuit boards now so actual jobs that require hand assembly is decreasing all the time.

    so yeah, I’d say it really depends on what direction you want to head in.

    Ned Flanders

    To design pedals yes, to assemble them, no.

    Anyone can do production line assembly of anything, you use diagrams at first until you know every part by heart. It is an unskilled job.

    To bias the more complicated pedals someone else would do that anyways, you would just be an assembler. I could teach anyone of the street to build big muffs and with in a month they wouldnt even need a diagram.

    I dont work for EHX either BTW..


    Thanks for the help! I would like to design and prototype effects that come out of the these effects companies. I guess that my question has changed to that I’d like to know if is a good idea or if I need a degree or background in electronic engineering. It’d be my dream job to work for a company like EHX and think of different effects to make all day and put those ideas into action.

    Ned Flanders

    To design your own fuzzes you need not be an electronic engineer, take devi ever nee tim shortnacy and aen from drawfcraft for example, they have zero training. I remember just 2 years ago aen asking me how a 3PDT worked,now he sells his pedals in all the bootweekers stores US wide.

    To design things like the HOG, POG etc you do need to be an EE or at least an extremely competent DIYer thats been doing it for years and years.

    I design my own dirt pedals,its simple but it does take a few years to understand what you are actually doing and tweaking some one elses design is NOT designing your own pedals, this is what dwarfcraft,or aen, does. There’s nothing wrong with tweaking and heavy modding but just admit thats all you are….a tweaker,not a designer!


    Effectology of course…

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