Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Canyon signal out of phase


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    I just got my Ehx Canyon and have issue with that.

    On my pedalboard the signal is splitted in two (wit a Lehle P-split) and Canyon is on the other branch.
    When I turn Canyon on I noticed that signal coming out of it is a bit out of phase compared to signal on the other branch (signals are in sync before I turn Canyon on). It’s not opposite phase but Canyons signal is a bit late and thus two signals are sucking each other. Even when I turn Canyon off signal is still out of phase. Not until I turn Canyons mode selector knob in any direction phase goes back in sync and sound becomes normal. When Canyon is initially turned on this issue is not occuring. I have similar problem with my RE-20 space echo but Ibanez DE7 or TC Flashback 2 does not have this problem.

    I’ve tried with different powersupplies (Ciock Big John link and basic powersupply with a daisychain). Resetting factory settings to Canyon didn’t solve the problem.

    I debugged this by recording both signals from splitter simultaneously and compared signal waveforms in Ardour with full zoom on.

    Any help is appreciated!


    That is a common problem with using different pedals.
    Some mixers like one we sell have a phase reversal switch to fix this.
    Please write the techs and see if they have a suggestion for this.



    Thanks for reply, I’ll do that!

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