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    I just found out the other day that Blink-182 is touring with Weezer this summer. it should be a great show. i wish they will release tour dates already.

    my favorite drummers are Steve Shelley and Greg Saunier

    +1 on Saunier. I’ll check out Shelley.

    Pop punk is pretty much an oxymoron. I mean, taste in music is subjective and whatnot, but it’s really difficult for me to see the merit in that stuff. Especially the whiny, nasally vocals. Ugh.

    Back when I was in high school, I remember a lot of my punk/goth friends being all “OMG GREEN DAY IS AWESOME!!!1,” and me, being the tool that I was, was like, “yeah!…” but despite all my trying, I could never bring myself to like them. There’s more to songs than being catchy, IMO. At the same time, I certainly don’t think technical skill = talent. I suppose I’m being difficult. That’s why it’s subjective, I guess.


    Blink 182 is back!! They have been my favorite band since i was 5 (with two of their cds takien from me by my mom, haha) and I grew up listening to them as my favorite band and when they broke up I was devistated and started listening to Angels and Airwaves. Since I neverf got to see Blink i made up for it by seeing all of AVA’s NJ shows and am now going to see all three of Blink’s NJ reunion shows!! Can’t Wait!!!!

    and for all those people who hate Blnik it’s alright everyone has their own taste but for everyone who can’t stop complaining about Tom’s new voice and “say” they “love” Blink just shut up. his new voice isn’t even bad it’s just different and he’s working on it. They’re back and you people that complain still aren’t gratefull! Just be happy they’re back and enjoy the show and new songs ! :)


    Thank you! that’s exactly how i feel. There’s all of these people complaining about tom’s voice and how their new album is going to sound but they should at least be happy they are back because they didnt have to do this!

    I can’t wait to see them too!

    Ned Flanders

    I never liked them myself, I always thought their music sucked!


    This is great, I love the fact they are back.

    You can say you hate their music, but they do have a different sound. I love Blink, I even listen to the old stuff sometimes, just because it’s so unbelievably bad. :D

    Also Blink has some extra value for me, I met my girlfriend because I turned on First Date.
    There was a fashion show to be held at our school, she was organising and dancing. I was in the technical club taking care of the lights and sound. ;) Someone was constantly playing trance and 50-cent type crap .. at one point I had had it, threw his mp3 player out of the window, hooked mine up and blasted First Date. :D She came up to me “pfew.. finally some good music!” .. and sparks flew ;)

    It sounds like a bad movie I know. ;) But yeah, I was heartbroken when they split, and now I can’t wait.

    People are going to whine, because the album is going to sound different, as people whine over every album by a band they love. People don’t get the fact that a band is just a group of humans, and people’s interests change over the years .. so does the music you play and write.


    See when I was in high school they were super popular. Preppy kids were dressing like punks and at every local show I went to high school bands covered them, tried to sound like them, or both.


    First day of tour was yesterday! I saw a few videos from it on youtube, soo awesome! still can’t find their new song.

    Can’t wait to see them!!!!!

    I find Travis Barker to be like the Steve Vai of drumming. Very technically skilled, but he doesn’t play with much feel or soul, he’s sort of robotic. Although I’m a guy who doesn’t like Blink 182 so that partly enters into the equation.

    Vai uses soul in his playing and so does barker. Iam uber excited about Blink coming back.


    i don’t care for them… punk rock really isn’t my cup of tea

    but i care for Vai and man… if i could put into my music even half of the soul as he does, i’d be a lucky man… that guy knows how to do it :)

    christopher, you are aware that this post was started almost a complete 10 friggin months ago! and yes, they are robots.

    What? they are not robots!


    well if based on talent i wouldnt count out that they are robots but they both have soul. JEsse yoru a robot! hahah


    I saw Blink 182 in concert several years ago with Green Day. They played horribly! One of the worst live show ever. On the other hand Green Day was one of the best shows I have ever seen. I’m not much of a fan of either band, but I don’t dislike them either.


    I saw Blink live over the summer on their reunion tour. they were pretty good. but i cant compare it to other live shows because i’ve never seen them before.

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