Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Big Muff

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  • #88185
    Small Stone

    I need a muff…

    I need a muff…

    We all do this holiday season…. to curl up to and stay warm with … a little fuzz is nice too… ;)

    John J
    I need a muff…

    They’re cheap! And I’m avoiding the obvious Muff/muff joke here, I mean it. For less than $100 CDN you can get a fantastic sounding fuzz. It’s nice to know that still happens!

    Small Stone
    I need a muff…

    They’re cheap! And I’m avoiding the obvious Muff/muff joke here, I mean it. For less than $100 CDN you can get a fantastic sounding fuzz. It’s nice to know that still happens!

    100$? You can get them much cheaper used… And seeing that your canadian too, these days it’s better to sell than buy… So less pedal buying for me these days.


    That’s what everyone thinks

    but if you can afford to spend your money, it’s best right now to snatch those cheap deals. When the economy is bad it is the worst time to sell and the best time to buy.

    If you fear for the value of the Canadian dollar going down, putting it into physical assets is a good way of saving.

    Not to mention holding onto your money hurts the economy, spending puts money into the economy and helps everyone.

    People’s reluctance to spend money right now because the economy is bad is one of the biggest things hurting the economy.

    I need a muff…

    We all do this holiday season…. to curl up to and stay warm with … a little fuzz is nice too… ;)

    hahahaha, that took me a while to get.


    The Big Muff needs no reviews, it is already a firmly established classic.


    Great sounding fuzz! Played through single coil (American Strat) produces almost glassy, alternative sounding distortion (through my setup anyways). Humbuckers really set this thing off, though. Sounds very good, can almost get a Jimmy Page like tone even playing a Hamer Duotone! I use it with either one of my Strats, my Jackson, or my drummer’s Hamer- takes a bit of tweaking to get the tone you want, but that rings true to any stomper.


    The Big Muff…. You can always turn down the volume on your guitar and you can get some great tones out of this box. Indeed a classic and used by many. Single coils and Muff go together well. Play around with your Guitar’s Volume and Tone Controls and you can dial in something great. Fuzz On Fuzz Off.


    If anyone is planning on putting vocals through a Big Muff make sure you’re wearing a cup,
    it will shake you and the ground you’re standing on.

    Ned Flanders

    Who cares if a muff is noisey when your not playing, you dont do gigs to not play or sit down with your rig to not play.


    I cant believe i never mentioned that when i first got a big muff pi, i was extremely blown away by it’s amazingness, i love this pedal and would never get rid of it. :rawk:

    Who cares if a muff is noisey when your not playing, you dont do gigs to not play or sit down with your rig to not play.

    some people do……

    ….the people that plug into 20 pedals with them all turned off just to show how great the bypass is…..”listen, hear how uneffected my tone is” …… play a few blues riffs, pack up and go home. :D

    Who cares if a muff is noisey when your not playing, you dont do gigs to not play or sit down with your rig to not play.

    I really don’t care if mine is noisey. and if it does get annoying, ill turn down the volume of my guitar or just turn off the pedal.

    Fuzz is Noise and Noise is Fuzz. It’s the beauty of these boxes. Stay away from fluorescent lights…. they are your enemy!

    Too true.
    Our old practice space had flo-lights and it made everything sound like a robot having a breakdown in a filing cabinet…tinny and humming.

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