Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Big Muff w/ Tone Wicker noise problem.

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    I picked up a second-hand BMw/TW in a trade recently. Unfortunately I’ve found it to be unusably noisy. Even with the wicker off and the tone stack engaged it’s far, far noisier than my Little Big Muff. I’ve heard of them being poorly grounded, and I’ve tried opening it up and sanding the inside of the enclosure, where the spring comes into contact with it, but it didn’t make a difference. I’ve tried different power supplies and using a battery, but none of that made a difference either. I was wondering if anyone had any advice…?


    Mine is similarly noisy (but maybe not as bad as yours sounds!)

    It is pretty much unusable with the Wicker on or the Tone off – and only just bearable as a ‘standard’ Muff (I know muffs have a certain amount of noise, so I can live with that).

    To be honest, the Tone/Wicker are pretty much redundant so I kind of wish I’d just got a regular ‘Little Big Muff’.

    In fact, I’m thinking of swapping it for a ‘Bass Big Muff’ and trying that instead.

    Sorry, this isn’t much of an answer – but I feel your pain!

    Mine is similarly noisy (but maybe not as bad as yours sounds!)

    It is pretty much unusable with the Wicker on or the Tone off – and only just bearable as a ‘standard’ Muff (I know muffs have a certain amount of noise, so I can live with that).

    To be honest, the Tone/Wicker are pretty much redundant so I kind of wish I’d just got a regular ‘Little Big Muff’.

    In fact, I’m thinking of swapping it for a ‘Bass Big Muff’ and trying that instead.

    Sorry, this isn’t much of an answer – but I feel your pain!

    Thanks for your reply, TenSecondTed. What you’re describing really is the same problem that I’m having. If this kind of noise is normal for the BMw/TW I think I might sell or swap it. Regardless of the noise issue I’m not wild about the pedal’s tone, and the jump in volume that occurs when the tone stack is bypassed is just too much. So if the noise problem is normal, I can sell this on guilt free. Thanks again.

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