Home Forums Vintage EHX Big Muff Versions!

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  • #112525
    Ned Flanders

    Scratch that, your 3034 dont work for chords? PM me a a hi res gut shot (component side) and I can show you what to change so it WILL work for chords. SO the chord problem…is it muddy or not enough clarity? either way I can show you how to fix it easily if you want.

    I have a 3034, its one of my favorite muffs, its sick sick sick!

    Chords work fine with mine and I play in drop D/C with high gain.(sustain maxed)

    Yeah, PM me as I will likely forget about this thread by the end of today.LMAO


    Yeah, it just doesn’t seem to have enough clarity, maybe muddiness it’s hard to tell. It’s my first Big Muff so maybe I’m just confused as to what is clarity with a Big Muff! I’ll have to take apart the pedal to get a good shot of the circuit board, but I’ll do that sometime soon, I pm’d you about it though. I like having definition and smoothness because I play more blues and some hard rock, not really high gain sort of music. Really though, I dig the pedal, it sounds great through my Mig 30. I’m going to plug it in now and play around with a bit more before I open it up for potential surgery. I can’t tell if the pms are working, nothing comes up in my sent box. Oh well, I’ll worry about it once I get some pictures of the circuit board.


    Hi along, if anyone is still reading in this post.

    When you search for KT3102E, you will find KT3102G easily,
    equivalents are BC547(BC549?), witch are also used in some later
    Russian Muff`s. Take a look at

    I personaly do not prefer the 2N5088/89 transistors.
    I own some DIY Muff projekts with swappable sockets
    and i replaced the 2N5088 with BC547C or BC237B
    to give them the mojo of old Russian Muff versions.

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