Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Best way to turn Micro Pog on and off quietly?

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    Hello,(this is my first post)

    I play fiddle with a folk group that features vocal harmonies, and has a very quiet stage sound. I use an octave effect for one particular song. Up until now, I used a Boss unit, but I have now upgraded to a the micro pog, which is a huge improvement. My problem now, is that the foot switch mechanism is pretty loud. The sonic environment I’m working in is “you can hear a pin-drop” quiet, with lots of condenser mics on stage etc.

    Is there a way I can use the fantastic micro-pog, but with a way to turn it on and off quietly? Even A/B boxes often have pretty loud foot switches…


    Ned Flanders

    Its the nature of the mechanics of a 3PDT switch I’m afraid!


    Right. hmmmm, well, I guess the easiest way to try to deal with this issue is to find a really quiet AB box, as opposed to trying to modify the pedal itself.

    Any suggestions on an AB BOX that I could use that has a really quiet mechanism? (and also must be high quality)



    A loop pedal or Boss Line Selector or something would probably work well


    The Boss LS-2 is inexpensive and uses a “soft” switch as well as a bypass buffer (which may or may not be ideal, but IME they’re reasonably transparent). You can also check out loop pedals by WOBO or Lehle. Both feature relay-based switching, but they’re not cheap.

    The Boss LS-2 is inexpensive and uses a “soft” switch as well as a bypass buffer (which may or may not be ideal, but IME they’re reasonably transparent). You can also check out loop pedals by WOBO or Lehle. Both feature relay-based switching, but they’re not cheap.


    I was about to suggest an LS-2. :)

    Don’t worry about the buffer, it actually makes your guitar sound better because it gives the signal enough buffing to get through the cable to the amp :) Only TB would mean that the capacitance of the cable makes your sound duller.

    People need to step of off the TB myth, and EHX needs to release a Buffer pedal to complete everybody’s pedalboard! :D

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