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  • #119210

    Did we get lucky? I bought a Next Step Talking Pedal, great sounds absolutely, however, after a few live outings with it, I got tired of the TP scooting about the floor and returning to flat default whenever I actuated another pedal, nor could I use it as a locked frequency effect, as with the classic Crying Tones which I still use (ARC). I now see that a rubber boot has appeared, no doubt in order to capture the NS beast for good. (A cradle of lightweight, durable polymer which is probably highly efficient). Anyway, I sold the NSTP to a musician friend who doesn’t perform live and he is happy with it from what I have heard.
    In the light of my experience I got one of my classic Crying Tones back into my live gear and love its sound and stability and its magic features (frequency selection etc).
    My suggestion may sound ancient to those who have not had the innate pleasure of experiencing the classic Crying Tones, but here it is…..Could we have a re-issue? And thanks for taking the time to read my request.
    I remain an EHX afficionado to the core.


    Please re-issue these EHX!that i would REALLY want!


    I am now the happy owner of my seventh ’70s Crying Tone pedal, and Mael in Guingamp, Brittany, France, has repaired the one I had been using in concert for….a long time. Incredible sound! It will be back on my pedalboard for the next tour. Yes!


    Count me in as someone who would love to see the original Crying Tone pedal released.I traded mine and a set of practice headphones for a rare Vox Phantom XII back in the early 80s.Even though I really loved the pedal,the chance of getting such a fabulous guitar that was worth many times more than the pedal,was too good to pass up.Anyway I have been looking around local music ads for that old pedal on the chance that it’s still around.Since these pedals were built like a battleship,there’s an excellent that it’s still being used by someone.I’ve looked on E-bay for one but they are getting to be almost as valuable as the original Tom Jemnning’s Italian made Jen Cry Baby wah wah pedal.

    I’m positive that if Mike Matthews and company made a reissue of the old Crying Tone pedal-they would sell faster than the could make them.That pedal was just sublime and had such an incredibly wide ranging tonal spectrum that it was in a class of its own,consequently making it the most versatile pedal of its time-and it no doubt would still be in a class of its own,because nothing made since can come close to its wide ranging tone.Such a versatile pedal would be wanted by just about every guitarist and would end up in many pedal boards.

    Please Mr. Matthews,seriously consider rereleasing the original Crying Tone pedal,I’m sure that in doing so you’d greatly increase your company’s bottom line and also make thousands of guitarists very happy by making them sound much better.


    Congratulations! ARC is overjoyed that we no longer have to run around the stage as our EHX Next Step wah scoots off in various unwanted directions. The Wailer Wah appears just in time to prevent strange wahs from appearing on our EHX pedalboards! And live spur-of-the-moment EQ madness is back! Thank-you EHX. It took a while but was worth waiting for.

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