Home Forums Vintage EHX Another Big Muff hits mojo status!

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    Ned Flanders

    I told people it would happen, as soon as it was said Corgan used these I predicted a massive price hike, and here you have it! I BIN’d one of these in 08 for $100. At the time no one wanted them, heck even a few months ago no one wanted them as they were seen as “inferior” Big Muffs.

    I’m sick of this mojo and hype shit,people drive up the prices of everything that is good.


    BTW, this isn’t the firsst I’ve seen at over $200 recently either but a year ago you could get them for $100 or less.


    We, the consumer, are to blame for this. If people will pay it, then good for this guy.

    Ned Flanders

    I WILL NOT pay $300 for an IC muff that everyone hated last year but “loves” now and considering I already have one if thats what they continue to sell at I will settle on owning just one.

    Next it will be the 3034 and then there will be NO cheap vintage muffs anymore!


    I won’t either! I agree with you. I had to stop even looking lately. I gotta stay content with what I have for now. Hopefully the market will slow down again.

    Ned Flanders

    I’ll pay big money for certain muffs but not on ones people told me they hate less than 6montyhs ago, now are selling to just cash in on the Corgan thing, I wont be that sucker!

    BTW,is your moniker “fire sergeant 911”? Whats the significance of that to you?


    Kinda the same with the Russian Muffs (black). 6 months ago they were $50 new and all over the place. Now that they are discontinued, they sell for well over $100 used! Plus, most people (that I talked to)said they didn’t like them!

    Ned Flanders

    Exactly,when they were in stores not many people liked them and called them “soviet junk” and such. Now they are on ebay AND selling for up to US$200. You can still get them for 50-60 bucks if you look hard enough and long enough but I dont know how long that will last.


    I sold four op-amp muffs in the last year and it took ages. You couldn’t give them away…
    3034’s already got a cult following because of Mudhoney.
    c’est la vie

    I just realised I don’t have any red/black muffs anymore.
    With any luck, the OMFG Billy Corgan thing will take people’s eyes off the ram’s heads I like so much and I can start snagging them for less. See…silver lining.

    Ned Flanders

    Yeah maybe so, and the TBM too with luck may reduce in price. *wishful thinking*


    I’ve seen a reduction in going rates for triangles and ram’s heads over the last year or so — it peaked at insane levels last summer w/ a bunch going for $800+ — I get the feeling someone’s playing Jack Waterson’s trick on ebay but can’t for the life of me figure out why.
    I’m down to three triangles and three ram heads, one of which is a Guild.
    I hope EHX does do the Ge Big Muff thing .. that’d be cool.
    But lose the LED and hockey puck knobs. Hell, I’d like a tone wicker with real parts inside and less noise…

    Ned Flanders

    I hope the Germanium muff is in the classic chasis but I almost know for sure it wont be….


    i hope people continue to overlook the awesomeness of the deluxe big muff ;)
    i’ll have to pick one up again someday


    There are still deals to be had on op-amps out there, especially the Deluxe Big Muff. I just found one for $138. Just ignore the guys who are selling for the inflated prices. Same with the Black Russians that are now “discontinued collectors items”. Lots of them still going for reasonable prices.

    Ned Flanders

    True, I know good prices are still to be found but its just this kinda stuff really pushed my buttons!

    There are still deals to be had on op-amps out there, especially the Deluxe Big Muff. I just found one for $138. Just ignore the guys who are selling for the inflated prices. Same with the Black Russians that are now “discontinued collectors items”. Lots of them still going for reasonable prices.

    I agree with you there, just because the black russian muff’s been discontinued, and becuase they’ve been hard enough to find in the UK & Ireland any way, people think they can charge silly prices.

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