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    Both as it depends on the effect, for fuzz, distortion, chorus, flangers and phasers I will only use analog but for octave, loopers and delay I like digital.

    I agree completley with the above statement.


    I just did some major downsizing and thinking and such, and now I have narrowed my pedal selection considerably. I only use a wah, fuzz, and maybe a phaser just for kicks, and that’s about it. The shorter your signal chain, the better your tone is going to be. Less pedals = more tone; that tone should come from your guitar and amp mainly, so BlueSteel, if I were you, I would go for a new guitar rather than more effects.

    Mr Radunzel
    I just did some major downsizing and thinking and such, and now I have narrowed my pedal selection considerably. I only use a wah, fuzz, and maybe a phaser just for kicks, and that’s about it. The shorter your signal chain, the better your tone is going to be. Less pedals = more tone; that tone should come from your guitar and amp mainly, so BlueSteel, if I were you, I would go for a new guitar rather than more effects.




    Mr Radunzel

    Well i dunno there are somethings you just cant do for with analog example.. my guitarist has the Boss twin space echo and the rt 20 leslie sim .. you just cant do that with analog.. tapes are impractical and a lesie is pretty heavy.. and the uni vibe is just vibrato with trem and chorus/phase so not even really a lesie simulation.. ect..

    digitech whammy… is a good example

    so hard to say ennit..

    analogs are better for dirt and mod..

    but amp simulation is an abomination


    Both are good, just for different stuff.
    There are great digital delays, reverbs, choruses and all kinds of other modulations…
    And bitcrushing, which I’m a big fan of, can’t be done with analog.

    I just did some major downsizing and thinking and such, and now I have narrowed my pedal selection considerably. I only use a wah, fuzz, and maybe a phaser just for kicks, and that’s about it. The shorter your signal chain, the better your tone is going to be. Less pedals = more tone; that tone should come from your guitar and amp mainly, so BlueSteel, if I were you, I would go for a new guitar rather than more effects.

    I’ll get a new guitar eventually (actually im thinking about making one). there are just a few more effects that i really like that i’ll get sometime soon.

    Less pedals are better, because then you dont have to worry about batteries and adapters. Also, its hard to keep on switching pedals on and off if you have a lot because some get in the way. Know what im sayin?


    I guess when you have lotsa pedals it’s nice to have some switching system, like CAE/Voodoo Labs/Rocktron/Axess, to help the tone and make switching easier.

    Less pedals are better, because then you dont have to worry about batteries and adapters. Also, its hard to keep on switching pedals on and off if you have a lot because some get in the way. Know what im sayin?

    Yeah, I know what you’re sayin’. That’s another valid reason to take it easy on the effects. What effects do you want to get before you get/build a guitar? The only pedals I think I need are some more fuzz boxes (fOXX tone machine) and a small stone, maybe a flanger and tuner, that’s about it. But I can’t decide if I should get some of these first, or just get that Highway One Telecaster I’ve had my eye on. Being a player of only three years, I only have one electric (I destroyed my shitty “beginner guitar”.)

    Yeah, I know what you’re sayin’. That’s another valid reason to take it easy on the effects. What effects do you want to get before you get/build a guitar? The only pedals I think I need are some more fuzz boxes (fOXX tone machine) and a small stone, maybe a flanger and tuner, that’s about it. But I can’t decide if I should get some of these first, or just get that Highway One Telecaster I’ve had my eye on. Being a player of only three years, I only have one electric (I destroyed my shitty “beginner guitar”.)

    I’m planning on getting a frequency analyzer, electric mistress, phase 100, micro pog and either a double muff or english muffn.


    the frequency analyzer rules



    the frequency analyzer rules

    Of course you’d say that… 🙄


    why, because it’s my favorite EHX effect?

    why, because it’s my favorite EHX effect?

    That, and because it seems to be your favorite.


    I don’t buy your theory

    I don’t buy your theory

    I don’t buy anything, man. That’s what stealing’s for. Just kidding. Freq Anal(lol)asis seems to be cool, but not my cup of assorted beverage (tea’s cool, but I like to expand my horizons).

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