Home Forums The Lounge Akai have done something very naughty

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    I was browsing the Akai website when I saw something I recognised,

    Here’s the not so well known Biyang ‘Metal End’.

    …now here’s the Akai ‘Deluxe Distortion’ which also has ‘Analog Custom Shop’ printed on it. Must be something brilliant and unique right?

    Check out the other pedals in the new Akai pedal range, they’re quite obviously rebranded Biyang units. The worst thing is that Akai think they can charge (near enough) twice the price simply for the name.

    Prices (the first ones that popped up on Google shopping),

    Biyang, £55 including P&P new on ebay.
    Akai, £99 not including P&P from millennium-music.co.uk


    That’s what I said one month ago when I saw them at NAMM ;)

    And they exist under a lot of other brand names as well:
    (see “related” block)


    yeah i own a pedal called “angular velocity” from a company called “guitar Fuel” supposedly based in NJ, but its obviously a relabeled biyang type pedal as well and also says custom whatever on it.

    i do like it tho! they call it a “florus” its a chorus and flanger together, nice sound actualy!

    yeah i own a pedal called “angular velocity” from a company called “guitar Fuel” supposedly based in NJ, but its obviously a relabeled biyang type pedal as well and also says custom whatever on it.

    i do like it tho! they call it a “florus” its a chorus and flanger together, nice sound actualy!

    I have one of those too :D


    I wonder what’s going to happen when someone buys the Akai “analog” delay, discovers it’s a very poorly setup pt329x chip, and wants their money back. the biyang one was terrible.

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