Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics A question from an ex multi effects guy

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    Hi Folks

    I was wondering if I could have some advice , I’ve recently turned my back on multi effects because having been dazzled by the quantity of effects available I’ve now discovered the drop off in quality of the effects.

    Long story short… I’ve become the proud owner of a number of EHX pedals. In fact I’ve gone a bit mad. I now have the following , Stereo Electric Mistress, Soul Preacher,Little Big Muff,Memory Man with Hazarai, Worm (old casing), POG 2, Cathedral & Riddle.

    Ebay has a lot to answer for.

    Now my problem apart from a hole in my bank account is , what would be the best way to connect these pedals up , I’m just not use to a pedal chain set up and while I find that I get some amazing sounds with just my basic knowledge , I feel that there might be a wealth of experience here at the heart of ehx.

    Any help would be great

    Please be kind I fell in love with shiny units with lots of buttons on instead of focusing on good old fashioned stompboxes.




    Ok I’ll chime in.

    Guitar>Riddle>Soul Preacher>Little Big Muff>Worm>POG 2>Stereo Electric Mistress>Memory Man with Hazarai>Cathedral>Amp.

    Maybe switch the Soul Preacher and LBM, maybe switch the LBM and the Worm, maybe switch the SMMH and Cathedral.


    first off, wow. how long did it take you to piece together the collection you’ve got going on?

    second: pedal line- there’s no “one right way” to make a pedal line (keep in mind, there are wrong ways).

    you’re probably going to want to start with your compressor.
    delays + verbs generally go at the end.
    envelope filters and pitch shifters (generally) go before distortion.

    just as important as putzing with the knobs and dials is playing around with what goes where. if you want to make things easier on yourself (at least for figuring out what sounds better where, not necessarily for gigging/playing), pick up a patch bay and an extra pack or two of patch cables.


    It took a wee while to get them but I was lucky to have some friends keeping an eye out for some of them.

    I kinda like sonic landscapes & blues with a twist of psychedelic garage rock thrown in so ehx pedals are a no brainer for me.

    Thanks for the help I’m gonna try them out , of and your right bout the patch leads I need a bundle

    Thanks again guys , I’m always a bit nervous when I post for the first time so the reply is sure appreciated


    POG 2 > Riddle > Soul Preacher > Little Big Muff > Worm > Stereo Electric Mistres > Memory Man with Hazarai > Cathedral

    And you have the perfect number of pedals to justify getting one of these:



    No formula here… go with whatever sounds good for you…

    A good way to get started:

    Filters: (Wah’s, Auto-wah’s, that sort of stuff) usually before distortion

    Compressor: Usually before distortion. I would try them before and after filters to see what happens

    Boost: I like it before distortion

    Modulation: Well… traditionally after distortion, but there are some advocates to using it before. I have a chorus after my gain (Distortion/OD) section and a Phaser before my gain section. The phase then work kinda like a filter

    Delay/Reverb: Usually the last thing. I would put Reverb in the very end. Just before the amp. (Or in the effect’s loop if one is available)

    This is just a rough guideline. Part of the joy of having as many pedals is experimenting with them.


    Thanks for all the help & ideas , I been mucking about a bit and following some standard ideas on pedal placement some experimental madness .

    Both methods seem to work but the madness option wins out , The Riddle is a wizzard & a true star of a pedal.

    It amazes me that after playing using modeled effects for so long , that I can find the real muff pi so unique & brand new , my eyes & mind are truly open now and fixiated on stompboxes

    It amazes me that after playing using modeled effects for so long , that I can find the real muff pi so unique & brand new , my eyes & mind are truly open now and fixiated on stompboxes

    Yeah… tell me about it. And EHX really gets it right … even with their digital pedals. I’m a EHX addict too… (Big Muff Pi, Small Clone and #1 Echo so far…planning on a POG2 and a Memory Toy soon)


    Another thing to keep in mind is running parrallell FX. For instance, phase & chorus work rather nice this way, especially if you’re playing someplace that you can set up a front/rear P.A. as I did for one of my Pink Floyd shows some time ago. I sent the chorus to the raer P.A. with the
    mix on 0 & some predelay so that after my front sound got started the rear P.A. came in. It sounded great.


    i’ve tried your advice and it worked, thanks a lot!!

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