Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics 2880 Midi Users

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  • #78474

    Just curious what people are using with their 2280s. What are you syncing, running thru, slaving it to? What parameters are you controlling etc…?


    I just got a 2880, so this is relevant to my interests.

    When is EHX going to release a reissue of the DRM series with MIDI? I want it to sync with my 2880 and my 16SecDD, and I want it to have samples from the DRM-32, the Space Drum, the Clap Track, the Sonic Boomer, the Rolling Thunder, and the Panic Button.


    Pedals I’ve thought would be cool w/ the 2880 so far…. Maneco Looper, Boss Slicer, Korg Kaoss stuff. Unfortunately I own none of these, or have much desire to pick them up.

    What I want to do is find a way to send the click track out it’s own output! As I do have two pedals that sync to a click track! Need to do some research on that, as I’m sure there’s a mod about somewhere…


    Someday I want to get a 2880 and a MOOG MP-201. It’s basically an expression pedal for 4 pedals at once, with LFOs and other cool stuff, while also being a Midi controller. So I could control anything via CC messages.


    yeah yeah. i’m looking for a midi controller that i can control change messages? any suggestion out there? do the developers ever get on these forums? i read in the manual for example that you can control mute and unmute, mute all, etc. is what i really want to be able to do with my 2880 is to be able to jump to the 1 (1st beat) at the push of a button or pad or any kind of midi trigger. does anyone know if it’s possible to do this with the 2880?

    suggestions appreciated.



    I wouldn’t mind something simple for muting each track, and control over a few other parameters I believe are only accessible thru the Midi IN.


    maybe electro-harmonix is working on 2nd foot controller?

    channel mutes
    individual channel reverses without reversing the whole mix.
    jump to the start of the loop – or single shot mode.
    assignable mod wheel?

    there’s so many things that would be rad.

    maybe a second choice of foot controller. i don’t need reverse or octave on my foot pedal. mutes would be more useful for someone with there hands tied.

    anyways some ideas if anyone at electro harmonix is listening. :)




    hello, i’m a 2880 owner and i just designed an open source midi controller based on arduino, not limited to use with the 2880, but with a patch specifically designed for the 2880. i’ve also incorporated some neat functions of midi sequencing all from a foot controller.

    want your 2880 to also be a tremolo, or have auto-pan sequences, or jump to specific intervals (5ths, 3rds, 7ths, 9ths…) of the pitch you recorded at without having to adjust the pitch slider…? my pedal does all that. it’s still in the prototype faze, but i will be releasing it soon as a kit or a fully assembled unit… whichever you prefer. this pedal is only limited by your imagination and arduio coding ability.

    see video here, and let me know what you guys think: http://vimeo.com/30407042

    -jared smyth


    saw this and was amazed at what you can do thru just a microphone…


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