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  • #209096
    The EH Man

    I would try a new battery before doing anything else.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by The EH Man.

    I received a nano small stone a few days ago and it has been working fine, but today it stopped working. The LED still turns on and the pedal does something, but does not modulate. When I flip the color switch or plug it in again it works for a few seconds then goes back to not working. I’m using the battery that came with it. Anyone know what I could do? I’ve got the warranty but if it’s an easy fix I’ll just do it myself. Thanks


    Hi. This post is really old but I got the same problem with a couple of vintage units (v3 and v4). The ‘pop’ sound when activate the pedal was terrible, but the solution was very simple. First of all, I performed a cleanup of the units with contact cleaner and a brush but it didn’t help. Later I found out that not only the switch activation caused the sound but any strong touch or vibration on the units (like activation of a nearby pedal). I opened one of them and found out that the tip connection of the output jack was a bit loose, so I bent it towards the center to make the connection between the jack and the plug stronger. Voilá! The pop sound dissapeared! I hope this helps anyone. Let me know if does.
    Greetings from Chile!


    “I Feel Free” by Cream

    Big Bad Pete

    Hi there,

    I’m sure that the “creamy lead tone” demo for the Satisfaction Plus is inspired by a famous song.

    Satisfaction Plus demo

    But… I can’t remember it…

    Any ideas ?

    Cheers !

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Big Bad Pete.
    Ned Flanders

    You can mod it to sound exactly like the original version very very easily. Yes, the original 1980s versions used either chip depending on what they had.

    SAD1024 or MN3007 makes no difference and considering the Reticon BBDs are obsolete, over a hundred bucks a piece if you can find them, and break easily, it’s simply not worth doing.

    Also, considering that your asking about it I’ll assume you don’t have the technical knowledge to do it. (I don’t intend to be rude…just saying what is obvious)

    The original version sound isn’t from the chip, but from other parts.

    I made a PDF of how to do it….at your own risk. It’s a simple paint by numbers process.

    Check my thread here:

    The best thing to do right now is to email EHX customer service at poster@ehx.com. They can help you figure out the repair.


    I live in Cali, Colombia.


    Please write the techs on Monday at



    Accidentally wrote over a loop I had , so I tried to recover it from the SD Card (FAT32) but nothing was on the SD Card apart from LOOP 00 with nothing contained inside.

    Is there any chance the loops are still on the card somehow ?


    Hi there,
    I have a 95000 loop pedal which I love.

    I like to press start/stop recording with my foot. However, in between recording I use the unit with my hands.. So I end up swapping the pedal between my hands and feet a lot, which can be cumbersome.

    My idea is to get a 2nd pedal/controller for my foot, to plug into the 95000 (which could now stay at hand-height). The 2nd pedal would send a midi message to the 95000 just for starting/stopping recording, so it could be a simple (few buttons) midi pedal.

    It seems like this should be possible, I was hoping somebody more knowledgeable could offer their opinion.
    Many thanks!


    Please write the techs at:


    I just got the pedal but had to give a thumbs up. In many cases previously I just avoided using
    single coil modes. I’m not sure how you could so thoroughly filter 60Hz hum (and probably harmonics)
    without seriously affecting actual signal.
    It’s not perfect at cancelling everything of course but hats off to the engineer who designed it.
    Far cry from the annoying noise gates and such things we used to default to.


    It would be appreciated if we could get a firmware update allowing more than 8 beats in a bar. As a songwriting tool it would be nice to be able to do more exotic time signatures like 13, without having to just use 1/4 time, which makes it hard to know where you are in the loop.


    Considering all of these, want a compact overdrive with a dry blend.

    Any thoughts on the pros and cons in terms of tone?

Viewing 15 results - 46 through 60 (of 49,282 total)