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  • #209084

    Please write the techs on Monday at



    Accidentally wrote over a loop I had , so I tried to recover it from the SD Card (FAT32) but nothing was on the SD Card apart from LOOP 00 with nothing contained inside.

    Is there any chance the loops are still on the card somehow ?


    Hi there,
    I have a 95000 loop pedal which I love.

    I like to press start/stop recording with my foot. However, in between recording I use the unit with my hands.. So I end up swapping the pedal between my hands and feet a lot, which can be cumbersome.

    My idea is to get a 2nd pedal/controller for my foot, to plug into the 95000 (which could now stay at hand-height). The 2nd pedal would send a midi message to the 95000 just for starting/stopping recording, so it could be a simple (few buttons) midi pedal.

    It seems like this should be possible, I was hoping somebody more knowledgeable could offer their opinion.
    Many thanks!


    Please write the techs at:


    I just got the pedal but had to give a thumbs up. In many cases previously I just avoided using
    single coil modes. I’m not sure how you could so thoroughly filter 60Hz hum (and probably harmonics)
    without seriously affecting actual signal.
    It’s not perfect at cancelling everything of course but hats off to the engineer who designed it.
    Far cry from the annoying noise gates and such things we used to default to.


    It would be appreciated if we could get a firmware update allowing more than 8 beats in a bar. As a songwriting tool it would be nice to be able to do more exotic time signatures like 13, without having to just use 1/4 time, which makes it hard to know where you are in the loop.


    Considering all of these, want a compact overdrive with a dry blend.

    Any thoughts on the pros and cons in terms of tone?

    Where are you in South America exactly?


    Damn, if it’s broken that sucks since I’m back in South America at the moment.

    Not 100% sure but I’m under the impression that it’s been like this since I got it, I was using a Boss RC-5 with a footswitch since I didn’t have my old 720 with me on tour and ended up trading for a brand new 1440 while on tour and immediately noticed that the first loop wasn’t lasting for the entirety of the layering part I mentioned.

    So I still think of it as my “new looper”

    If it’s just a broken potentiometer is there any chance that a local tech could service it?


    Hello. I own an ExH HOG 1, whose input gain slider is busted and the signal intermittently gets weaker than unity level. A little wiggling of the slider does bring back the full signal, though only for a few seconds before the intermittent cut-offs return. My friend who is familiar with the essentials of how pedals work has diagnosed that the pot for the input gain slider is indeed faulty and also is of a different colour than the rest of the pots on the unit, hence the conclusion that the original pot was replaced at a certain time prior to my acquisition of the unit. He urged me to seek out the information regarding the exact RESISTANCE VALUE of the input gain pot, and whether it’s linear or logarhythmic? He also added that Alpha is the default manufacturer of slide pots of ExH pedals, whose varieties we’ve managed to find in local stores, since they are quite abundant. I would appreciate it if any of y’all can tell me what type and resistance value I should be looking for. Thank you so much.


    You cant hurt the pedal as long as you dont drive the power amp into the 256.
    Check on Ali for a preamp. They are cheap and some could be used as a mixer to add other things in the mix.


    Thanks for the tip about a pre-amp. I have a headphone amp kit I build a while back that I’m going to try:


    My main concern is blowing up the pedal, power amp or speaker because of incompatibility.

    My plan is the output the pedal to headphone amp then output headphone amp to power amp (9-20V 20W TDA2030A Class AB Mono Power Audio Amplifier). I will report back with my results.

    Is there a portable pre amp you would recommend to use with the power amp and speaker listed above?


    Your ipod is meant to drive headphones and has a much higher output than the pedal, which is designed to drive a pre-amp.
    Sound like you will need a small preamp before the power amp.



    I switched my amp to this 9-20V 20W TDA2030A Class AB Mono Power Audio Amplifier.


    And the speaker is now:

    Tang Band W2-800SL 2″ Aluminum/Mg Full Range Speaker Driver


    I’m using a 1/4 jack shielded patch cable to connect v256 pedal output to amp with a 3.5 mm mono jack to connect to the amp.

    When I tested setup (no blue smoke was released!), but the sound volume is quite low. For example if I connect an iPod to this amp and speaker I can fill the whole room with sound, but using the v256 pedal I barely can fill my desk with sound.

    Is there anything else I can do to increase the volume besides getting a more powerful amp? Am I using the wrong cabling/adaptor to ouput sound to amp?

    If you have the OVERDUB knob set to max and it is still erasing old audio as you overdub, this sounds like a broken OVERDUB potentiometer.

    How new is your 1440?

    Did it always have this problem or did it begin with a firmware update?

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