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  • in reply to: Transistor Version BIG MUFF PI #98803

    I think I know why you think your vintage muff sounds better.

    Because you want it to. Your brain and ears can do crazy things, and this whole thing could just be psychological! I also disagree about the components or handwiring being better than the machine made pedals. The 70S EHX pedals have some of the worst soldering I’ve ever seen on a commercial product.

    in reply to: Mogwai Big Muff? #98037

    I want one so bad. So so bad. I think Scott should have a run of them made for all the admins. Yup, that sounds like a great idea.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #98028

    That is beautiful!!! What is red pedal with the scythe and hammer? And is that and the Walking Delay pedal BYOCs?

    I need to rebuild my board and take a new photo with the new additions.

    The red Pedal is a “Mail Order Muff” from Fuzzrocious pedals. It’s a Russian Green clone kit from General Guitar Gadgets. Fuzzrocious builds and paints them.

    The walking delay is also from them. It’s a clone of the Ibanez Analog Delay (on a digital circuit) with an expression eye input. With the expression eye, the number of repeats is controlled by the amount of light entering the eye.

    in reply to: Overloading (Self oscillation) bad for effect pedals? #98027

    You can run a bass through a guitar amp decently at low volume. Once you crank it, then you have to worry about speaker excursion and cones ripping.

    As far as pedals, I’m always more worried about my amp and cab than my pedals. Huge walls of feedback are fun, but they get too loud to handle and clip my amp, so I stay away.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #97656

    This thread needs more pedalboards.


    in reply to: An expansion of the “small” pedal series… #97482

    All this talk of EHX Nanos and XO’s being “generic” or things like that seems to forget one important thing. You say EHX already appeals to the right people, but EHX is a business. They need to make money, and to make money they need to appeal to the most demographics possible. They still make insane, incredible effects, but to be able to find their way on to EVERYBODY’S pedalboard, they need 9v power, or a smaller footprint.

    Besides, more units sold, lower prices can go ;)

    in reply to: Micro POG for Bass ? #96108

    Micro POG works flawlessly on bass. I’ve never had a problem with it at all. You dial in the suboctave, add a little fuzz and a little octave up and you’re your own band.

    in reply to: using small stone as an FX for synthesizer #95801

    I have a feeling there’s a massive impedance problem there. I can’t be certain, i’m not a tech guy. You’ll probably need to send the signal out of the small stone into an amp before amps. Someone who really knows should be along shortly.

    in reply to: LPB-1 help #95800

    It will give you plenty of volume boost, with some overdrive grit, depending on level. My pushes up the volume on my solid state head.

    in reply to: Nano Clone #95741

    I can’t stand the nano clone. Its reverse polarity, so it can’t be daisychained unless its isolated. It has a volume drop and loses bass when switched on. Also noisey and no where near “lush” as any other chorus.

    Otherwise, I love EHX

    in reply to: Russian Bassballs #95712

    Sovtek one sounds just the same as the NY, IMO. I got lucky and got one for 13 bucks.

    in reply to: FOR SALE: Sovtek Red Army Overdrive big muff! #95666

    Sorry, but this sort of thing isn’t allowed on our forums at the moment.

    in reply to: Just bought a vintage Poly Chorus but…. #95654

    Yours looks exactly like my current reissue, except for the attached power cord. EHX has made pedals with the attached pedal cables and then took them off later. I don’t know about in the case of the Polychorus RI, but its like that for the DEM.


    Never seen that, and I feel sure EHX didn’t do that. That’s not on my Stereo Pulsar.

    in reply to: Countdown to the new Deluxe Memory Man #95600

    So if this almost “flagship” effect of EHX is getting shrunk, and the big box discontinued, I can only guess that all other big boxes will be discontinued as well.

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