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  • #87595

    In reply to: Iconic EHX Tracks

    Question: do y’all think we should treat this thread like a Wiki?

    Meaning, what if we were to edit the suggestions into the first post in an on-going way — does that make any sense?

    That works for me, but I really like the idea of providing references. For example, I’ve heard from a variety of sources that Billy Corgan used a Big Muff, and I’ve also heard that he didn’t. Does anyone really know for certain? Pics? Interviews?


    In reply to: Iconic EHX Tracks

    New From Electro-Harmonix…. The Macho Muff…. Squeals like a pussy in heat… It claws and gnaws your amp to shreds; leave the audience wanting more…. Give me more Muff Pi….

    :clap: :love: :metal:

    My cat Mao will be your biggest fan!


    In reply to: Iconic EHX Tracks


    I have no evidence for this (at present) but I read somewhere that Graham Coxon was using an english muffin’ around the time of his ‘happiness in magazines’ album. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard a Big Muff on his recordings too……I’ll do some digging and see what I can find out.

    ok, well a ‘holy grail’ is part of his live rig…so that’s a start!!


    I’m real excited about the BIG MUFF Pi with Tone Wicker

    Me Too!!! oh…hi btw. :D


    I wasn’t sure before if I was going to buy the Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker, because i already have a Big Muff Pi, a vintage Little Muff Pi, a Deluxe Big Muff Pi, a Reissue Hot Tubes, a Tube Zipper, and a Germanium OD.

    But seeing your post, Mike, has convinced me that I now need this one. I can’t wait! :rawk:


    Hi Mike! it’s fantastic to see you here…and fantastic to see a new Big Muff coming out!!

    …just keep doing what you do and we will keep using EHX to make fantastic music.

    it’s a privilege to be helping out on this forum.

    best wishes for 2009 from all the British electro-harmonix users!!


    Hello to all Electro-Harmonix users

    I’ve been inundated with questions about our new BIG MUFF Pi with Tone Wicker…so I thought it’d be best to rap about it on our forum.

    It was way back in 1969 that I twiddled with the electronic components of the original Big Muff prototype for days…trying to smooth out the rougher parts of the distortion so it would produce that sweet violin like long sustain. At that time, my pay Jimy James became huge when he changed his style and name to Jimy Hendrix. And everyone wanted to sound like Jimy.

    I sold the first Big Muff’s to Manny’s Music and was real pleased when he ( Henry ) told me “I sold one of the first units to Jimy Hendrix. Since Jimy and I were tight , he’d invite me to his recording sessions whenever he taped in New York. And, I dug it when I saw the Big Muff plugged into his lineup at the studio. It was just as much a gas when Carlos Santana ordered one from me mail order, paying with a check with Santana logo and carefully pasting his mail order coupon onto a sheet of Santana stationary.

    Now, after almost 40 years, I have to say I am just as excited about the release of the really first design that takes a nice step beyond the original Big Muff Pi. The BIG MUFF Pi with Tone Wicker is exactly the same as the original Big Muff Pi, except it adds two new useful options.

    To get that really sweet sustaining sound, there are several spots in the circuit where rougher distortion tones are rolled off. I envisioned defeating 3 of these roll offs and letting users decide if they wanted the option of getting a more raw sound. When we tried it, it really released some wicker on the Big Muff, and had so much raw energy, we didn’t have to tweek it at all. Hot from the first go around. Then I thought about how the Big Muff would sound if its tone control could be completely bypassed. The regular Big Muff tone control is a very warped filter, and so at any setting it’s always doing something to the tone. Presto… having the option to defeat the tone control, makes the whole sound spectrum open up wide.

    Enough rap, I’m real excited about the BIG MUFF Pi with Tone Wicker, and if you dig the Big Muff, you’ll really dig it with the Wicker. Check it out and see for yourself.

    Rock & Roll,
    Mike Matthews

    That’s not enough Fuzz….. you need a Russian Muff in there to keep it in line from messing with the NYC Muff. The Cold War maybe over, but these rivals will continue to keep their front on the War To Fuzz Redemption….

    Each project calls for different fuzz distortions. Experiment and you may be surprise to find a tone you never thought of ever hearing. For under $90, The Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker is a lot of bang for your buck. Easy to use controls can dial up a myriad of fibely tuned distortions. Keep the peace with Big Muff Pi, Win the battle with Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker.


    Good points, but I just saw the voice box. That’s definitely my next purchase from EHX. I’m sure I’ll check out the Tone Wicker some time though.

    Also, just bought an older Micro Synth! Hurray!

    Keep the peace with Big Muff Pi, Win the battle with Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker.


    hahaha, that’s brilliant!!!

    ……and yes the white paint looks really nice. :thumb:


    That’s not enough Fuzz….. you need a Russian Muff in there to keep it in line from messing with the NYC Muff. The Cold War maybe over, but these rivals will continue to keep their front on the War To Fuzz Redemption….

    Each project calls for different fuzz distortions. Experiment and you may be surprise to find a tone you never thought of ever hearing. For under $90, The Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker is a lot of bang for your buck. Easy to use controls can dial up a myriad of fibely tuned distortions. Keep the peace with Big Muff Pi, Win the battle with Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker.


    The Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker is a great Distortion/Sustainer that will work on guitar, bass and keyboards. Rememebr, you can try any of the EHX Muffs with this combination. We already have a great Bass Big Muff Pi, but the Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker can sure add some serious coloring to your bass tone. Why not have two? You will have that classic Pi sound with more capabilities than before. You will indeed love this box as it is the gateway to complex distortion euphoria…. So Step On!


    So, I should have a NYC Big Muff, a BBM, an Electronix Mess Drive, a Modded Bigmuff, a fuzz face and a BMP Tone Wicker on my board? That’s a ton of fuzz, I’m not really sure if I could even convince myself to have that much fuzz, haha.

    The Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker is a great Distortion/Sustainer that will work on guitar, bass and keyboards. Rememebr, you can try any of the EHX Muffs with this combination. We already have a great Bass Big Muff Pi, but the Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker can sure add some serious coloring to your bass tone. Why not have two? You will have that classic Pi sound with more capabilities than before. You will indeed love this box as it is the gateway to complex distortion euphoria…. So Step On!


    lol, I don’t know about ‘complex distortion euphoria’….but i’m sure I will indeed love it. :D

    I’ll be stepping on it as soon as I can! :rawk:


    The Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker is a great Distortion/Sustainer that will work on guitar, bass and keyboards. Rememebr, you can try any of the EHX Muffs with this combination. We already have a great Bass Big Muff Pi, but the Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker can sure add some serious coloring to your bass tone. Why not have two? You will have that classic Pi sound with more capabilities than before. You will indeed love this box as it is the gateway to complex distortion euphoria…. So Step On!



    Hey all, I wanted you to be the first to know — I just “officially” added the Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker to the EHX site, see:


    I don’t yet have a demo video or instructions, but you’ll be able to see the product text and photos. We’ll be adding a blog post soon — so you really are the first to know!

    Feel free to share the news in your favorite forums… :poke: :D

    Yes i understand

    Woah few hundrend Ehx audio demos!! 😮

    I’m not sure what the best solution would be. We need more people in on this ;)

    Right — additionally, it’s potentially two different approaches: 1) use most of the old library, or 2) hand-pick a few that are especially good — and both have a different set of corresponding complications, if you see what I mean.

    fwiw, I like the behavior of the play buttons on this page:

    But you can see that if we have 20 or more clips for a single product (such as the Big Muff) this approach wouldn’t work…

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