Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Vintage Stereo Memory Man internal trimpot help

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    I just got the analog stereo memory man, and man its been tough finding info about it. It seems electro harmonix has almost disowned this pedal.

    So the pedal is awesome but The repeats on the echo have some hi pitched nasty sounding distortion. I found some internal trimpots and thought adjusting these could help?

    Anybody have any idea what these internal trimpots are for? And if they could help me with my problem?

    Thanks a bunch


    Those trimpots probably need adjusting to get rid of the distortion or high pitched clock noise. Sometimes even adjusting them will not entirely remove the clock noise. Those old Stereo Memory Man units can be problematic.

    The EH Man

    It’s been said many times on this forum: “DON’T TOUCH THE TRIMPOTS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING”.

    Now, is that a vintage unit or a reissue?


    It can be a trimmer problem, but you can’t solve it by yourself. Ron has the solution to your problem, so answer his questions 😆


    judging from the internal circuitry Id say reissue. Ive already messed with the trimpots amd adjusted the gain I really just need to know which trimpot is which

    The EH Man

    TRIM1 and TRIM2 are for the bias. TRIM3 is the gain.


    I messed with the trimpots moving them very little and I the best sound seems to be the echoes with the distortion (that over no echoes and a lot of distortion) is there any internal circuitry that could be changed to really fix this old guy up. Ive got a pretty good solder hand and was thinking of replacing the electrolytic caps and some input caps to higher quality tanatulum and metal film. or maybe some nicer electrolytics. Could anyone point me in the direction of some other components being the troublesome ones?


    The EH Man

    It shouldn’t be distorted. Either you haven’t set the pots correctly or there’s some other problem. You would probably be best sending it to a tech.

    Howard Davis

    It requires an oscilloscope, audio oscillator, the test/alignment procedure, and experience as a technician to properly set the trimpots. Without these, it should not be attempted as you’ll probably just make things worse. I designed the viontage Stereo Memory Man, and I certainly can restore yours to sound and operate like new.

    Please email me privately at howard.davis2@att.net.

    Guitar pedal design engineering, repairs, and custom mods:


    If you change the value of the trimpots, you must first measuring ohms. That will allow you to restore the factory values default.
    I recently bought Stereo Memory Man . His former owner had changed the value of the internal trimpots……

    I could restore the values ​​thanks to a friend who lent me his SMM . and I have a multimeter to measure the ohms.

    Sorry for my bad english!

    Put the scale in the milimeter 200k ohms


    Put the milimeter in scale 200k

    The EH Man

    tiny pic alert


    pic of Values for trimpots SMM (in Ohms).
    multimeter set to 200k scale


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